NBTI 의미 및 유형 무료테스트 할 수 있는 곳 NBTI Meaning and Types Where to Test for Free

Where to get free NBTI and MBTI tests

Hello~ Today, by NBTI personality type

About propensity and free testing

I’m trying to find out.

What is NBTI? As a Newtor Best Type Indicator

I can find out my newtro tendency and snip my taste

This is a test that recommends newtro space.

Free personality test NBTI

I have a site, so I’ll introduce you first.

Click the link below to take the free personality type test.

However, you must view it in Korean translation using Chrome, etc.

NBTI 의미 및 유형 무료테스트

NBTI 의미 및 유형 무료테스트

Free Personality Test | 16Personalities
Make new friends regularly. Consent Disagree Much of my free time is devoted to exploring a variety of interests. There are many times when you see someone who agrees and disagrees crying and you want to cry too. I tend to come up with several countermeasures in case things go wrong. I tend to maintain my composure even in environments where there is a lot of pressure to agree or disagree. Agree Disagree At a party or event, I tend to talk to people I already know rather than introducing myself to new people first. Agree Disagree Next 316K


When you click on the link, you will see a screen like the one below.

The total test time was about 12 minutes, and circled agree or disagree.

You can choose.

After completing all the questions and answers, you can view the results.

Without a little hesitation, the result came out as ISTP-T.

Looking at the results, it seems to be correct to some extent.

Types include Introduction, Strengths and Weaknesses, Romantic Relationships, Friendships, Parents, Careers

etc., premium guides and tests are paid.

There is another NBTI test site.

NBTI|Nutro Disposition Test
NBTI|Nutro Disposition Test


When you click on the link, you will see a page like the one below.

Click Test Start to start the test.

Just look at the picture above and choose.

If you go through multiple problems

Doo~~~ The result is finally out.

This test is the result of choosing anything for posting.

Take the NBTI test for free for fun

What do you think?

In addition, I will introduce only the MBTI personality type test site.

If you go through the link below, you will find a place called Test Haro.

You can take the MBTI personality type test for free.