OK캐쉬백 현금화 및 적립방법 How to cash out and accumulate OK Cashbag

This is how to cash out ok cashbag.
To cash out OK Cashbag, you must first collect OK Cashbag points. You can only cash out if you have over 50,000 points. Cashing out means depositing more than 50,000 points into your bank account. You can sign up as a member on the ok cashbag site using a cell phone in your name and accumulate points.

OK캐쉬백 현금화

OK캐쉬백 현금화

How do I earn ok cashback?

Collecting ok cashback is simple. Simply purchase an affiliate product and enter the coupon number attached to the product after logging in to the ok Cashbag website. The amount of points accumulated for affiliate products is not large. If you purchase coffee or green tea from Dongseo Foods and enter a coupon, it may take quite a long time to collect 50,000 points. However, if you purchase products from a company and accumulate points, you will be able to accumulate points faster than if you purchase products and accumulate points as an individual. You can accumulate points not only from affiliated products, but also from online and offline affiliated stores nationwide.








If you have accumulated more than 50,000 OK Cashback points, you can apply for deposit in cash. To apply for a deposit, visit the OK Cashbag website. Click the login menu at the top right.





A login screen window will appear. Please proceed to log in.







Complete the login and click My Cashbag at the top right of the site’s main page.








You can check the points you have accumulated so far. You must have 50,000 points to cash them out. Please check your OK Cashback point amount.








If you have reached 50,000 points, select the Redemption/Refund menu and click Apply for Redemption of Accumulated Points. Please click I agree to the collection of personal information. Also check the boxes for consent to collection of mobile phone number and consent to receive SMS.







After agreeing, scroll down a bit and the information input menu will appear. Enter your date of birth, mobile phone number, and deposit account. Deposits can only be made to the account in the name of the mobile phone used for membership registration.

Enter the redemption points. If you have more than 50,000 points, please enter all of your points. Once you have entered all redemption points, click the Apply for Redemption button.







A menu window to confirm repayment application information will appear. Check the application details and click OK.








A message window will appear informing you that the point redemption request has been completed. Once you click OK, your point redemption application has been completed.









If you would like to check the details of your repayment application, you can do so by clicking Application Result Inquiry in the Repayment/Refund menu. It will take approximately 3 business days from the day after the application date for cash to be deposited into the account you entered. If it is not your bank account number, the deposit processing may be canceled and converted back to points, so be sure to apply for the deposit using your own bank account. Deposits may not be accepted for lifetime accounts, so please check this before proceeding with the application.




It was an ok cashback cashing method. You can make money just by accumulating okcashback points. You must have 50,000 points to process a cash deposit, but products that are easily accessible in daily life are included in the OK Cashback affiliates, so sign up for Cashback, collect your points, and apply for cashing.