버스운전자격증 시험 Policy Q&A

버스운전자격증 시험buisnessman 1. When a person who does not meet the qualification requirements for a transport worker is engaged in driving duties (Violation 56 of Article 85, Paragraph 1, Item 20 of the Act, Enforcement Decree, Appendix 3, Item 2, Item A, Category 17) 1st offense 2nd offense Partial suspension of business (90 days) Deduction … Read more

신생아 취득세 감면 Newborn acquisition tax exemption or the tax exemption

신생아 취득세 감면 Are you a new parent or expecting a baby soon? If so, you’ll be glad to hear about the **Newborn Acquisition Tax Exemption**. This incredible benefit allows parents to save money on essential items for their newborns, making those early days a little bit easier on the wallet. **What is the Newborn … Read more

스마트스토어 창업 [Entrepreneurs & Prospective Entrepreneurs] Smart Store Opening and Sales Strategy | ppt

스마트스토어 창업3. How to double your sales This is a lecture on Naver Smart Store opening and sales strategy. – page: 70P – Lecture target: Those who want to start an online shopping mall – Lecture time: 3 hours Go Myung-hwan’s Startup Survival Management Blog http://blog.naver.com/maru7091 Go Myeong-hwan’s Startup Survival Management Brunch https://brunch.co.kr/@maru7091 Stay Cool … Read more

화물운송자격증 취득방법 How to get a cargo transport worker certification/know-how to pass the exam

화물운송자격증 취득방법Only those who have held a Class 1 or 2 ordinary driver’s license for more than 2 years can apply for a cargo transportation worker’s license!* If you have less than 2 years of driving experience (bus, taxi) for business purposes, you can take the test by submitting a certificate of at least 1 … Read more

아우디 서비스센터 및 전화번호 Audi service center and phone number

Today we are going to learn about the various information of the Audi Service Center, which many people use in our country. I hope this article will be very helpful for those who want to use the Audi Service Center. 아우디 서비스센터 Audi Service Center Location Audi 24-hour emergency dispatch service center phone number: 080-767-2834 … Read more

벤츠 서비스센터 및 전화번호 Mercedes service center and phone number

Let’s take a look at the phone number of Mercedes -Benz Customer Center and the address of the official service center in the country and the phone number business time. Mercedes-Benz provides differentiated customer services, which seems to make the buyer feel special. Please check the contents carefully so that there is no benefit. 벤츠 … Read more

스마트스토어 창업 [Entrepreneurs & Prospective Entrepreneurs] Smart Store Opening and Sales Strategy | ppt

스마트스토어 창업3. How to double your sales This is a lecture on Naver Smart Store opening and sales strategy. – page: 70P – Lecture target: Those who want to start an online shopping mall – Lecture time: 3 hours Go Myung-hwan’s Startup Survival Management Blog http://blog.naver.com/maru7091 Go Myeong-hwan’s Startup Survival Management Brunch https://brunch.co.kr/@maru7091 Stay Cool … Read more