2024 실업급여 신청방법 Summary of eligibility requirements and how to apply for unemployment benefits in 2024

2024 실업급여 신청방법Unemployment benefits are subsidies provided to promote economic stability and re-employment of workers when they lose their jobs at a job covered by employment insurance. They include job-seeking benefits, employment promotion allowances, extended benefits, and sickness benefits. Generally, the unemployment benefits that people refer to are job-seeking benefits, so the unemployment benefits examined … Read more

카카오페이 고객센터 및 전화번호 Kakao Pay customer center and phone number

Find out the Kakao Pay customer service phone number and consultation hours. There are many people who only know how to make inquiries through chatbots. This is because there is a preconceived notion that KakaoTalk cannot make phone calls. 카카오페이 고객센터 However, problems such as card loss, theft, or theft can be resolved by calling … Read more

카카오뱅크 고객센터 및 전화번호 Kakao Bank customer center and phone number

Today, we will tell you how to use the Kakao Bank Customer Center. These days, there are more and more easy ways to process transactions non-face-to-face rather than visiting in person.카카오뱅크 고객센터 In particular, in the case of Kakao Bank, most of them are operated so that it can be easily done non-face-to-face. Kakao Bank … Read more

노후경유차 조기폐차 지원금 Korea Automobile Environment Association

노후경유차 조기폐차 지원금※ For each submitted document, only the most recent documents issued within one month prior to the application date are accepted. ※ The number of supported units for small business owners is limited by industry (9 units/year for mining, manufacturing, construction, and transportation, 4 units/year for other industries), and the number of units … Read more

개인회생 대출 가능한 곳 | | Korea Savings Bank Internet Banking

개인회생 대출 가능한 곳‘Certification’ search results Office workers Up to 50 million won 11.4%~19.9% ​​(Delinquency rate: agreed interest rate + 3% (within 20%)) Loan interest rate = base interest rate + additional interest rate, refer to loan interest rate calculation statement Monthly (charged on the loan date or due date) doesn’t exist 2% of the … Read more

토스뱅크 고객센터 및 전화번호 Toss Bank customer center and phone number

I checked the Toss Bank customer service phone number. When I looked up the phone number in the Toss app, I found that the customer service phone number for ‘Toss/Toss Bank/Toss Stock’ was different. In other words, there are a total of three Toss-related customer service phone numbers, and there is one additional phone number … Read more

개인회생자 대출자격 Credit loan (personal rehabilitation, credit recovery) | Loan product disclosure | Product disclosure room | Dongyang Savings Bank Internet Banking

개인회생자 대출자격‘Certification’ search results Pay repayment more than 10 times without any missed payments Those who have been working at their current job for more than 3 months Those who have 4 major insurance policies at work and can provide proof of annual income exceeding 20 million won Those with a NICE credit score of … Read more

가정행복 도시락 Seoul City significantly expands ‘Family Happiness Lunchbox, Meal Kit, and Food Discount Support Project’

가정행복 도시락 Article input: February 19, 2024 11:15 Last modified: February 19, 2024 11:15 [Seoul = Newspim] Reporter Jinyong Lee = # Mr. A, a working mother raising two children in middle school and elementary school, purchased lunch boxes, salads (20%) and cafe drinks (30%) at a discount this year with the ‘Seoul City-CU Discount … Read more

차량기준가액 조회방법 How much is my car worth?! Checking my home’s assets ① :: Money Ilbo

차량기준가액 조회방법Finance/Real Estate September 20, 2023 by. Money Daily Our home assets that are checked when looking at eligibility for special supply subscriptions or national support benefits. Today, we will learn how to check the value of a vehicle. How can I calculate the current value of a used car that is not even new? … Read more