개인택시 양수교육 신청방법 How to apply for private taxi transfer training

If you want to do business as a private taxi, you must undergo private taxi transfer training at the Korea Transportation Safety Authority’s Traffic Safety Experience Education Center. Please check below in detail about how to apply for private taxi transfer training, schedule, and certificate of completion (experience center qualification requirements). 개인택시 양수교육 How to … Read more

전국 고속도로 휴게소 맛집 총정리 Comprehensive list of restaurants at highway rest areas across the country

In this article, we will learn about famous highway rest area restaurants and representative food meals (rest area EX-FOOD) at each rest area. I think our country is a country with very developed transportation. 휴게소 맛집 I haven’t been to many foreign countries, but it seems that there are many countries where transportation is much … Read more

우리은행 예금잔액증명서 Woori Bank Deposit Balance Certificate: Everything you need

Woori Bank Deposit Balance Certificate: Everything you need 1. What is Woori Bank deposit balance certificate? Woori Bank deposit balance certificate is a document that proves the deposit account balance at a specific point in time. It is used for a variety of purposes, including applying for a mortgage, student loan, and scholarship. 2. How … Read more

차대번호 조회방법 및 제조사별 사이트 How to look up vehicle identification number and sites by manufacturer

Let’s find out how to look up the vehicle identification number and how to view the official website. The vehicle identification number is not a vehicle registration number (vehicle number), but a combination of English letters and numbers found on the vehicle registration certificate.차대번호 조회   How to check vehicle identification number | How to … Read more

롯데마트 재고조회 및 고객센터 알아보기(feat. 교환, 환불규정) Check Lotte Mart inventory and learn about customer service (feat. exchange, refund policy)

Introducing how to check Lotte Mart inventory. There may be times when there is an item you need but it is not in stock. We will explain how you can check and purchase products that are hard to find, such as Asahi Super Dry draft beer cans that you can’t drink these days or the … Read more

가정행복 도시락 Apply for discounts on family happiness lunch boxes, meal kits, and food! – Yangcheon-gu Office

가정행복 도시락The city of Seoul provides “lunch boxes, meal kits, and food discount coupons” to ease the burden of housework and food costs for families raising children under the age of 18! Apply ▶ Support target: Families raising children under the age of 18 living in Seoul ※ Includes families with grandparents, regardless of income … Read more

통영 한달살기 Living for a Month with Support in 2023 32 Tongyeong 3rd

통영 한달살기Learn about Tongyeong tourism experiences Those eligible for support for 「Tongyeong Ae (Love) Onna」 are residents outside the Gyeongnam region who are 19 years of age or older as of the date of announcement (submit a copy of resident registration), have a strong will to travel to Tongyeong, and actively promote Tongyeong tourism resources … Read more

이마트 재고조회 및 고객센터 알아보기 Check E-Mart inventory and learn about customer service

We will tell you how to check E-Mart inventory in real time without a phone call. These days, when you purchase something online, you can get it delivered quickly, such as same-day delivery or rocket delivery. 이마트 재고조회 There are still many people who go to nearby large supermarkets if they need to see the … Read more