세븐일레븐 재고조회 및 앱 100% 활용법 How to check 7-Eleven inventory and use the app 100%

It can be purchased at ‘7-Eleven’ convenience stores. You can easily check in advance with the app whether Song Ga-in Makgeolli is in stock at the 7-Eleven near your house. 세븐일레븐 재고조회 To check the stock of Song Ga-in Makgeolli at 7-Eleven, you must first download and install the ‘7-Eleven App’. You can also check … Read more

GS25 재고조회 및 나만의냉장고 GS25 inventory inquiry and your own refrigerator

How to check GS25 convenience store inventory 1. Install application, sign up, and log in To check GS25 convenience store inventory, you must first install the ‘Our Neighborhood GS’ application on your mobile phone. To use it, you must install and sign up for ‘Our Neighborhood GS’ using the Play Store if you use Android, … Read more

요양원 입소자격 Can I enter a nursing home without a long-term care rating? | Another family, another one

요양원 입소자격| By situation Can I enter a nursing home without a long-term care rating? 2023. 10. 12 Save 0 share “Is it necessary to have a long-term care rating to be able to enter a nursing home? My mother’s condition has recently worsened due to a hip fracture, and there is no one to … Read more

노후경유차 조기폐차 지원금 Information on subsidy support projects

노후경유차 조기폐차 지원금Business target Support amount (Unit: 10,000 won) * (Low-income group and small business owners) 1 million won additional support to the basic subsidy within the upper limit * (Class 5 vehicles under 3.5 tons that cannot be equipped with a reduction device) Additional support of KRW 1 million for cargo and special vehicles … Read more

하이패스 미납요금 조회 및 납부 Hi-Pass unpaid fee inquiry and payment

Have you ever experienced a situation where the Hi-Pass terminal was turned off or you entered the wrong lane, resulting in unpaid toll gate fees? In relation to this, we will provide you with information on how to deal with it and guidance on how to check and pay Hi-Pass unpaid bills. 하이패스 미납요금   … Read more

임신테스트기 사용시기 및 사용법 When and how to use a pregnancy test

To check whether you are pregnant after intercourse, you must use a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test allows you to carefully look into the future, but when should you use it to get accurate results? Let’s find out when to use a pregnancy test, a moment when excitement and worry intersect.   임신테스트기 사용시기 What … Read more

네이버페이 포인트 현금화 방법 How to cash out Naver Pay points

Today we will learn how to cash out Naver Pay points. Naver Pay points refer to points accumulated at a certain percentage rate after payment through Naver Shopping, etc., or points earned through event participation. 네이버페이 포인트 현금화 Naver Pay also includes Naver Pay Money. Naver Pay Money is the amount transferred from your linked … Read more