통합연금포털 How to check my pension – Financial Supervisory Service Integrated Pension Portal

통합연금포털Last year, I read Magic Pension Rolling, and thought about organizing my pension and rolling it… and finally started putting it into practice. Take that first step!!! Let’s check my pension Pension savings, national pension, IRP, etc.. I signed up and just had it automatically transferred or expired, so I didn’t pay attention to it,, … Read more

첫만남이용권 Upgrade from 100,000 won ‘Birth Celebration Supplies’ to 2 million won ‘First Meeting Voucher’ < Welfare < Seoul Metropolitan Government

첫만남이용권Copy URL □ Starting this year, the city of Seoul will provide a ‘First Meeting Voucher’ voucher worth 2 million won per person to all children born this year. It is paid as a ‘National Happiness Card’ to the guardian of a born child, and can be used in various industries such as postpartum care … Read more

2024 미국주식 휴장일 및 거래시간 2024 US stock closing days and trading hours

We will organize the 2024 U.S. stock market closing date information and daylight saving time application date in an easy-to-read manner. US stock market closures and daylight saving time in 2024 US stock market closures and daylight saving time in 2024   미국주식 휴장일 index US stock market trading hours Date and time of summer … Read more

휴일지킴이 약국(feat. 토요일, 일요일, 공휴일, 야간 약국 찾기) Holiday Keeper Pharmacy (feat. Find a pharmacy on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and nighttime)

Find out where pharmacies are open on Sundays. Let’s check the shortcut to Holiday keeper pharmacies. There are many times when I suddenly feel unwell and go to the pharmacy. Many pharmacies are closed on weekends. However, to reduce this inconvenience, we operate a holiday keeper pharmacy. Let’s find out how to find it. 휴일지킴이 … Read more

종합미용면허증 Differences between hairdresser’s license and comprehensive beauty license and how to obtain one – Credit Bank System Counseling Center

종합미용면허증Credit bank system, transfer, graduate school, college graduate selection, general transfer, bachelor’s transfer, social worker level 2, childcare teacher level 2, academic bank system, engineer certification Before looking at hairdresser certification, it is necessary to first understand the concept of what hairdressing is. Maybe it’s because I’m a man, but the first thing that comes … Read more

2024 연말정산 미리보기 및 모의계산 2024 year-end tax settlement preview and mock calculation

Today, we will tell you about the preview of year-end tax settlement. In the past, many people received a refund of 13th month’s salary when they did year-end tax settlement, but these days, it seems that many people are hit with a tax bomb. 연말정산 미리보기 Therefore, it is necessary to prepare systematically by previewing … Read more

휴일지킴이약국 Information Center>Pharmaceutical Business Status>Night/Holiday Pharmacy Finder

휴일지킴이약국※ Operating hours may change depending on the pharmacy’s circumstances, so please be sure to check by phone before visiting. Department of Medicine Choi Sang-mi 02-2091-4512 2023-11-28 (01395) 117 Banghak-ro 3-gil, Dobong-gu, Seoul (Ssangmun-dong) TEL 02-2091-4600 (connected to 120 Dasan Call Center) FAX 02-2091-6361 COPYRIGHT(C) 2023 DOBONG-GU HEALTH CENTER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 로이야

퇴직연금 조회 및 퇴직연금 종류 총정리 Summary of retirement pension inquiry methods and retirement pension types

There are three types of retirement pensions. How much severance pay is there when a person works at a company? I often wonder how the company I worked for operates retirement funds. Think about it every now and then. It’s okay to ask whether you receive a lump sum or in the form of a … Read more

2024년 운세 Error 500 (Server Error)!!1500.That’s an error.There was an error. Please try again later.That’s all we know.

2024년 운세[News & Book = Reporter Song Young-du] The year 2023 is coming to an end. In Korea’s traditional horoscope, the year of 2024 is the year of the pig. The Pig is an animal that symbolizes luck, abundance, and wealth, and 2024 is the year of the Pig. Therefore, people born in the year … Read more