SRT 시간표 및 운임요금 알아보기 Find out SRT timetable and fares

We will inform you of the SRT fare table, special room and general fares, and train operation routes and timetables. Please keep this in mind when reserving SRT train tickets.

SRT 시간표

SRT 시간표

Freight refers to the compensation paid for moving from place to place using transportation. The fee is a special room fee that is received in return for additional services provided in relation to transportation.

SRT fare table special room and regular rates
Gyeongbu Line Suseo – Busan (as of October 1, 2022)
SRT train Gyeongbu Line fare table
Honam Line Suseo – Gwangju Songjeong / Mokpo
SRT train Honam Line fare table

SRT train operation route
SRT train operation route map
Book SRT train tickets
↑ Click to reserve train tickets.

Guide to using the correct SRT ticket
1. Purchase of a ticket before boarding the train is required.
Additional fares will apply if you board the train without a ticket.
2. Discount tickets are only available to legitimate users.
If a person does not have an identification card or is not eligible for a discount, an additional fee of 10 times will be charged.
3. No random boarding if the train is sold out.
To ensure safe and comfortable train use, if the train is sold out, use the next train.
4. No illegal trading of tickets
If you trade tickets illegally, such as through online ticketing, not only will you have to purchase them at a high price, but you may also incur other disadvantages.

Safety rules for using trains
Hold the handrail tightly on the escalator and use the elevator if you have heavy luggage. Check the platform footboards to avoid falling when getting on and off the train. When placing items on the shelves in your room, be careful not to let them fall. Do not force yourself on the train when the elevator doors close. Do not use your smartphone while walking on the train or inside the station.

Compensation for train delay
If there is a delay of more than 20 minutes from the arrival time at the arrival station indicated on the ticket due to reasons attributable to SR (excluding natural disasters, etc.), the amount specified in the Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards will be compensated. Delay fee refund is a refund of compensation using the method used to pay for the ticket for the delayed train. Claims can be made within one year from the date of delay. Example) Cash payment > Cash return, credit (check) card payment > Purchase (approval) cancellation

Compensation rate according to delay time
A delay fee of 12.5% will be refunded for more than 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes, 25% for more than 40 minutes but less than 1 hour, and 50% for more than 1 hour. Please note that special room rates are excluded from delay compensation.

SRT train operation timetable
Gyeongbu Line Downbound Upbound Suseo – Busan, Busan – Suseo
SRT train Gyeongbu Line downbound and upbound fare timetable
Honam Line down Suseo – Mokpo

Honam Line upbound Mokpo – Suseo

Dongtan > Suseo commuter train (Monday to Friday)


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SRT train timetable
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