SRT 입석예매 방법(꿀팁포함) How to reserve SRT standing room tickets (including useful tips)

In this article, I would like to share information about three ways to reserve SRT standing room tickets that allow you to ride unconditionally. If you are looking for related information, please refer to the text.

SRT 입석예매

SRT 입석예매

Hide table of contents
1. Beginning
2. How to reserve SRT standing tickets
2.1. Step 1: Combined ticket
2.2. Step 2: Purchase standing tickets
2.3. Step 3: Board first, pay later
3. Conclusion
3.1. Related Posts
Starting with
SRT, along with KTX, is fast and convenient, so it has a large number of users. Additionally, since they do not officially sell standing tickets, it is true that it may be difficult to use the facility if you do not make a reservation in advance.

However, things do not always go according to plan. Suddenly, something urgent may arise and you may have to go down to the countryside, or conversely, there may be times when you have to come up from the provinces to Seoul.


But what if tickets are sold out? If you really need to take the SRT right away for something urgent, please go to the nearest SRT station first. You can ride it even if you are standing room only.

Then, you can get a ticket according to the order in the text and board. Then, let me start explaining.

How to reserve SRT standing tickets
We will explain the SRT standing room reservation process in three steps. Please proceed in order.

Step 1: Combined ticket
The first thing you need to look into is a combined ticket. This is because you can sit down for at least part of the boarding section.

A combined ticket is a ticket consisting of seat + standing. Combined tickets sell out quickly on the day of train departure, so it is best to reserve tickets as soon as you see them.

SRT-standing-reservation-combined ticket
I searched for tickets for the ‘Suseo > Busan’ section departing today on the SRT website. All trains are sold out, but it is confirmed that there are still standing + seat combined tickets available. If you see it, be sure to reserve it.

But what if combined tickets are sold out? You can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Purchase standing tickets
SRT said they don’t sell standing room tickets. How can I purchase standing room tickets? The answer is that we are not officially selling it, but we are selling some standing tickets on a conditional basis.

When all seats on an SRT train are sold out, a limited number of 15 standing tickets will be sold at the station counter on a first-come, first-served basis.


You understand, right? When you arrive at the station, please run straight to the station window and purchase a standing ticket. If all standing tickets have been sold, you must proceed to the final step.

Step 3: Board first, pay later
This is the final step. If you can’t get a combined ticket or even a standing ticket, just board the fastest train arriving at the station. And please find the train attendant. You don’t have to worry because we won’t tell you to get off.

The image below is excerpted from the SRT website. This is part of the SR Passenger Transport Terms and Conditions.

SRT-Standing-Reservation-Transportation-Terms and Conditions
SR Passenger Transport Terms and Conditions, Article 10, Paragraph 1
go. If you boarded the train without purchasing a ticket due to time constraints, etc., and reported it to the flight attendant.

Since it is specified in the terms and conditions, we will never ask you to take it down. However, since you have to pay 0.5 times more than the standard fare, we recommend that you board it only if it is really urgent.


One thing to note is that after boarding the train, you must immediately find a conductor, explain the situation, and pay for the ticket. Please remember that otherwise, it will be considered illegal riding and you will be charged 10 to up to 30 times the standard fare.

Please refer to the image below, which contains terms and conditions related to illegal riding taken from the SR website.

SRT-Standing-Reservation-Illegal Ride-Terms and Conditions
Please refer to the article below for SRT cancellation fee information.

Learn about SRT cancellation fees
In conclusion
Above, we learned about three ways to reserve standing tickets for SRT. Please use the method described in this text only in unavoidable situations, and if possible, we recommend reserving seats in advance and using the train comfortably.