어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to check fines for speeding in child protection zones

Today, I would like to talk about a topic that is important to all of us: speeding in child protection zones. In order to keep children safe, it is important to control our driving speed, and we will look into the fines for this. Let’s find out together!   어린이 보호구역 속도위반 ☞Check speeding fines … Read more

어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to look up fines for speeding in children’s zones

Children’s zone speed violation is limited to 30 km. Of course, we are also cracking down on illegal parking, so today we are going to learn about fines and penalty points for violations. As of March 25, 2020, as a measure to strengthen traffic safety in child protection zones, if an accident occurs in a … Read more