설빙 기프티콘 사용법 Using Sulbing Giftcon Gifticon delivery is simple!

설빙 기프티콘 사용법Hello:) This is Binjoje. Recently, my husband celebrated his birthday. A lot of people gave me gifticons, but one person gave me a Sulbing gifticon. They also gave me a 50,000 won gifticon, so I was worried about how to use it, but when I called the store and asked, it was possible … Read more

설빙 기프티콘 사용법 Using Sulbing Giftcon Gifticon delivery is simple!

설빙 기프티콘 사용법Hello:) This is Binjoje. Recently, my husband celebrated his birthday. A lot of people gave me gifticons, but one person gave me a Sulbing gifticon. They also gave me a 50,000 won gifticon, so I was worried about how to use it, but when I called the store and asked, it was possible … Read more