운송장번호 모를때 How to look up the parcel with your mobile phone number when you don’t know the waybill number – Chief Yoon’s small daily story

운송장번호 모를때index Previously, you would visit a shopping mall or website that sold a product and search with the invoice number that comes out as your log-in information, but if you use this method, you can easily check the invoice number when shipping to your home or sending a courier with just one phone number. … Read more

운송장번호 모를때 How to look up the parcel with your mobile phone number when you don’t know the waybill number – Chief Yoon’s small daily story

운송장번호 모를때index Previously, you would visit a shopping mall or website that sold a product and search with the invoice number that comes out as your log-in information, but if you use this method, you can easily check the invoice number when shipping to your home or sending a courier with just one phone number. … Read more

운송장번호 모를때 How to look up the parcel with your mobile phone number when you don’t know the waybill number – Chief Yoon’s small daily story

운송장번호 모를때index Previously, you would visit a shopping mall or website that sold a product and search with the invoice number that comes out as your log-in information, but if you use this method, you can easily check the invoice number when shipping to your home or sending a courier with just one phone number. … Read more

운송장번호 모를때 2 ways to look up the courier when you don’t know the waybill number

Sometimes I do not know the tracking number. As non-face-to-face life increases, more and more people are using courier services for trivial things. I also saw that the number of parcels I received last month exceeded 10, and I thought that I was really using parcel delivery a lot. An invoice number is essential when … Read more