tv 수신료 해지 3 ways to cancel and refund TV license fees (including apartments)

In this post, we will tell you about the conditions for canceling the TV license fee, how to cancel it, and how to get a refund. Are you paying a TV license fee even though you don’t watch TV at home? With this method I’m telling you, cancel your wasteful TV license fee. The method is slightly different depending on whether you live in an apartment or a regular house. From now on, please refer to the contents below.


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TV license fee cancellation conditions 비지니스헬퍼
According to Article 64 of the Broadcasting Act, the TV license fee is charged at KRW 2,500 per household when more than 50 kWh of electricity is used per month, and is used by KBS and EBS. By the way, this money is not tax. If each unit does not have a TV, you do not have to pay. Currently, the National Assembly is discussing an increase in the license fee (3,500 won to 4,000 won), so there is a possibility of an increase within the year.


In the case of a new apartment, there is usually a monitor that can receive TV in the kitchen. If you have a TV, you cannot cancel the license fee. In this case, you can remove the monitor with the help of the management office and apply for cancellation. If you never had a TV in your home in the first place, you may be able to refund the amount you have already paid. KEPCO refunds up to 3 months, and more is possible if you apply through KBS.



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3 ways to cancel and refund TV license fees
Korea Electric Power Corporation telephone reception
123 without area code or residential area code + 123 (Example: 031-123 in case of Gyeonggi-do) → Dial 0 (connect to counselor) → TV license fee cancellation request.
KBS license fee consultation center phone reception
1588-1801 → No. 1 → Enter the payer number → TV license fee cancellation request.
Apply on the KBS website
Access the KBS homepage → Log in → ‘About KBS’ at the bottom of the homepage → Go to the ‘subscription fee’ page → ‘TV registration/change application’ → TV registration and subscription fee complaint’ page → ‘Application for exemption/exemption of subscription fee’


Go to KBS License Fee Complaint Center >


If you try to apply by phone, you can apply from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Please prepare as you will need to enter the payer number shown on the electricity bill. It is best to call in the morning as the agent is not available.


When you express your intention to cancel your TV license fee, we ask you a few questions. Since when have there been no TVs? What is the date you moved in? Do you have a computer monitor? Does this model come with a remote control? Are you planning to buy a TV in the future? Since it is related to the refund fee, you can answer based on the facts.


If you express your intention to refund, you will be notified that the already paid bill will be transferred to the account if there is a request for automatic transfer to your electricity bill bank account. In the case of card transfer, you can tell us the account number of your bank account to receive a refund. So please be sure to indicate your intention to refund.


Finally, the inspector will contact you and inform you that you may visit. In other words, if you apply for cancellation of TV license fee with a lie, you may be held legally responsible if it turns out to be false later. Please note that recipients of the National Basic Livelihood Security Recipient, visually/hearing handicapped, persons of national merit, persons of national merit, and those living in KBS-designated hard-to-view areas can apply for a TV license fee exemption through the above method.


Click here to share how to apply for automatic transfer of electricity bill >



How to cancel apartment TV license fee
If you live in an apartment, you must go through the management office instead of the above method. This is because the electricity bill is included in the management fee issued by the management office. You can visit the management office and say that you do not have a TV, so you want to cancel the TV license fee and that you want to remove the TV receiver in the kitchen.


So far, we have summarized the conditions and methods for canceling TV license fees, and how to refund them. I hope you find this helpful. Thank you for using it.