갱년기 유산균 yt1 추천 및 효능,부작용 Menopausal lactobacillus yt1 recommendation and efficacy, side effects

Menopausal Lactobacillus yt1 recommendation, efficacy and side effects
갱년기 유산균 yt1 추천


갱년기 유산균 yt1 추천

Menopause is a word that makes you feel repulsive just by hearing the name! All women in their 40s and 50s know this feeling, right?

If I greet him anyway, I want to prepare more confidently and meet him!!!


Menopausal lactobacillus yt1 is a strain specialized for intensive management of menopausal health among numerous lactobacilli.


▶Menopausal lactobacillus yt1 efficacy

1. Relieve menopausal symptoms
Unlike other foods that help replenish female hormones, this helps express receptors necessary for female hormones to be used as much as possible in our bodies. So, not only is it free from side effects caused by hormonal imbalance, but it can also help relieve menopausal symptoms caused by a decrease in estrogen.

– Major menopausal symptoms: hot flashes, numbness in the hands and feet, nervousness, palpitations in the chest, headache, depression, fatigue, vaginal dryness and discharge


2. Cardiovascular Health
A 2019 study found that administration to menopausal rats for 12 weeks reduced cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol, while increasing good LDL cholesterol.


3. Improvement of menopausal depression
Serotonin is a hormone that regulates emotions, and 80% of it is made in the gut. When the intestines become healthy through menopausal lactobacillus yt1, it can also help overcome menopausal depression.


4. Improve osteoporosis
When estrogen reduced by menopausal lactobacillus yt1 is activated, osteoblasts that make bones are activated and osteoclasts that destroy bones are suppressed, making bones strong and helping with osteoporosis.


5. Improving quality of life
During menopause, not only physical symptoms but also mental and psychological symptoms come together, so not only you but also your family members are often difficult. According to the actual study results, as a result of taking this lactobacillus for 12 weeks, all items were improved.



▶Menopausal Lactobacillus yt1 recommendation
I found out about this product after seeing comedian Park Mi-sun advertise for menopausal lactobacillus. Also, since it was ranked #1 in the purchase rate, I believed in it~ I also decided to purchase this product while reading reviews from many people. There are some cases that are distributed through abnormal channels, so please purchase through the official retailer. Delivered and stored in the refrigerator!


Huons Menopause Lactobacillus YT1

Trulac Menopause Lactobacillus YT1



▶Menopausal lactobacillus yt1 side effects
Female menopausal lactobacillus yt1 is a live bacterium, and overuse can cause side effects such as abdominal pain and diarrhea, so do not overuse it. When taking antibiotics, it is recommended to take menopausal lactobacillus 5 hours later.