건강보험료 환급 신청방법(본인부담금 환급) How to apply for health insurance premium refund (refund of out-of-pocket expenses)

The National Health Insurance Corporation operates a system that refunds already paid insurance premiums to policy holders. National Health Insurance refunds may occur due to double payment of premiums, reduction adjustments, or incorrect payments. Or, due to the out-of-pocket limit system1, a certain amount may be refunded. If you do not apply, the refund you can receive will disappear after 3 years from the date you received the payment application form. You can easily receive a refund through the website or mobile app. Refunds will be settled within approximately 7 days after requesting a refund.

건강보험료 환급

건강보험료 환급


How to check National Health Insurance refund amount
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How to check National Health Insurance refund amount
1. Go to the National Health Insurance website and log in with your public certificate.






> Go to the National Health Insurance official website




2. From the ‘Claim Here’ menu, enter the Personal Complaint menu.


Personal complaints-menu-entry
Personal complaints-menu-entry




3. Click on the refund and support fund inquiry application menu.





4. The type of refund, refund amount, and claim period are displayed.





5. Click the Apply for Refund button at the bottom.



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Based on self-payment amount
There are refunds such as deductible refunds, insurance premium refunds, and other collection refunds, but among them, the deductible reimbursement system allows health insurance subscribers to reduce the total amount of out-of-pocket health insurance contributions for one year in order to relieve the financial burden due to excessively high medical costs. This is a system where, if you exceed the maximum out-of-pocket amount, the Corporation will bear the burden of the excess amount. The standards for out-of-pocket expenses are as follows:


Number of days hospitalized in nursing hospital
Low-income annual average premium quintile High-income
1st quartile 2nd to 3rd quartile 4th to 5th quartile 6th to 7th quartile 8th quintile 9th 10th quartile
2014 1.2 million won 1.5 million won 2 million won 2.5 million won 3 million won 4 million won 5 million won
2015 1.2 million won 1.5 million won 2 million won 2.5 million won 3 million won 4 million won 5 million won
2016 1.2 million won 1.5 million won 2 million won 2.5 million won 3 million won 4 million won 5 million won
2017 1.2 million won 1.5 million won 2 million won 2.5 million won 3 million won 4 million won 5 million won
Nursing hospital hospitalization exceeding 120 days 1.24 million won 1.55 million won 2.08 million won
2.6 million won
3.13 million won
4.18 million won
5.23 million won
In other cases, 800,000 won 1 million won 1.5 million won
Nursing hospital hospitalization exceeding 120 days 1.25 million won 1.57 million won 2.11 million won
2.8 million won
3.5 million won
4.3 million won
5.8 million won
In other cases, 810,000 won 1.01 million won 1.52 million won
Nursing hospital hospitalization exceeding 120 days 1.25 million won 1.57 million won 2.11 million won
2.81 million won
3.51 million won
4.31 million won
5.82 million won
In other cases, 810,000 won 1.01 million won 1.52 million won
Nursing hospital hospitalization exceeding 120 days 1.25 million won 1.57 million won 2.12 million won
2.82 million won
3.52 million won
4.33 million won
5.84 million won
In other cases, 810,000 won 1.01 million won 1.52 million won
Nursing hospital hospitalization exceeding 120 days 1.28 million won 1.6 million won 2.17 million won
2.89 million won
3.6 million won
4.43 million won
5.98 million won
In other cases, 830,000 won 1.03 million won 1.55 million won


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How to contact us
If you need a refund but can’t find it or the refund is in a different account, you can get a faster solution by contacting your health insurance representative. For related inquiries, please call ☎ 1577-1000.