Gyeonggi-do announced that it would start supporting applications for the “2023 Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance” to promote youth employment by alleviating the burden of interview costs for young people who have difficulty finding a job and promoting active job-seeking activities.
Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance

○ Target
Young people aged 18 to 39 in Gyeonggi-do conducting interview activities
○ Details of support
Local currency support of up to 500,000 won per person (50,000 won per interview, up to 10 times)
○ Recruitment schedule
Based on 2023, 1st May, 2nd August, 3rd November
※ The schedule may change later
○ Qualifications
– Born between January 2, 1983 and December 31, 2005, residents of Gyeonggi-do as of the date of application
– 2023.1.1. Afterwards, apply for a job where you can work and only apply for interviews that have been conducted.
*Excluded from support
However, if one or more of the following conditions are met, you are not eligible to apply.
➀ Recipient of unemployment benefit
➁Participants of Gyeonggi Women’s Employment Support Fund
➂Beneficiaries of similar projects (transportation support project) such as ‘Suwon City Blue Card Project’
➃Those who are eligible for interview expenses for public officials supervised by Gyeonggi-do (those who plan to work at Gyeonggi-do)
※ Including Office of Education and Provincial Council
➄ Those who have applied for a workplace where a family member such as a direct descendant or spouse is the representative
➅Those who applied for an interview for the purpose of receiving an allowance even though they had no intention of getting a job
➆If it cannot be recognized as an interview for employment according to social norms
*If it is not a job interview
➀ In the case of an interview to participate in education or training courses supported by various institutions
➁ In the case of responding to an interview to receive a salary in exchange for activities other than employment purposes such as credit recognition linkage or mentoring
➂ In the case of online document screening or competency test in the pre- and post-interview stages
– Those who have not applied for the interview allowance in December 2022 can apply retroactively only during the 2023.1 round recruitment period
[Those who can retroactively apply for the youth interview allowance in 2022]
➀Those born between January 2, 1983 and December 31, 2005
➁Gyeonggi-do residents on resident registration as of the date of application
➂Those who applied for an interview in December 2022
➃Those who have not exceeded the number of valid applications (6 times) in 2022
How to apply for Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance
Apply online at the Gyeonggi Provincial Job Foundation integrated application system “Jababa Apply” (PC/mobile available)
Go to Grab Bar App homepage link
※ The application page can be checked after the recruitment announcement date.
○ Documents to be submitted
(Additional data may be requested if necessary)
➀ Application form and consent form for use of personal information (to be filled out online)
➁Certificate of resident registration
➂ Recruitment notice
➃Confirmation of interview or oath in lieu of confirmation of interview
※ The attached interview confirmation form can be used, but the company’s own form can also be submitted.
○ Contact for other inquiries
– Gyeonggi-do Job Foundation ‘Youth Interview Allowance Call Center’ ☎1877-2046 (Weekdays 09:00~18:00)
※ Call center scheduled to operate in May
※ Inquiries in advance: 031-270-9966 (Gyeonggi Provincial Job Foundation)
– Refer to the announcements on the Gyeonggi Job Foundation website ( and the FAQ on the job information page of Jobaba (
※ The above schedule may change later
This content is sourced from the Gyeonggi-do news press release.
We inform you that it was written based on
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