구글 드라이브 사용방법 How to use Google One Drive/Google One drive/Drive Sharing

구글 드라이브 사용방법When you need a public drive, we introduce Google One Drive, which is the most cost-effective. You can share data by building a NAS server, but there is also a way to easily pay for the cloud and use it. Everyone should have at least one Google ID when making a mobile phone. Yes, the default drive capacity is 15 GB. However, uploading a few videos quickly fills up the 15GB space.
At this time, if you click Buy Storage, a window for selecting the Google One plan will appear.
If you fill up 15GB, they say you will benefit from a price reduction. (Please note) My goal is to share files with 4 people through a shared folder, so I opened a shared folder that other users can use together when one account makes a payment.
Google Drive – New – Enter folder name – Right click – Share – Enter the emails of the people you want to share. You can upload files to the shared folder. The method to create a family group is as follows. Log in with the representative ID to create a member – Access https://families.google.com/families – Invite family members – Enter email – Invite -> Mail to the other person’s email , and if the other party accepts, you become a family member.
If you create a family member like this, everyone in the family can use all of the Google One Drive that A paid for. However, there is a caveat. It’s important to have a clear understanding of how Google Drive shares. Let’s set up a shared folder and let A be the owner of the folder. A is the owner of the folder, but B uploads files to this folder. Owner of the file Since B has the authority, B’s capacity will be used. (Used within the free 15GB) That is, even if A purchases 100GB, that part is the capacity that A can upload, not the capacity that B will upload.
Even with Family Sharing, since B is a free customer, he can use 100GB of storage after exhausting the 15GB storage provided free of charge. This provision is exceeded and all use of Google Drive additional uploads, Google mail, synchronization, etc. is restricted. Therefore, this B must completely delete the original of the uploaded file that he put on the drive to make 15GB before he can use Google Mail, Google Drive, etc. again. Therefore, even if a shared folder is set up and created, it is wise to have one person A continue to upload the shared folder. The rest of the members can view and download at any time. Have you already created a shared folder? In that case, you can select multiple shared files and change the file owner at once. (However, this operation may be cumbersome to select all files and change the owner)
So the conclusion is: 1. Create a public ID.2. Create a shared folder.3. Upload to the shared folder only with a public ID.4. If the capacity is insufficient, purchase and use the capacity of Google One.5. The rest of the members (free users) only browse and download from the shared folder. If you have a better drive, please recommend it in the comments.


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