국민연금 환급금 조회 및 신청방법(feat.총정리)How to inquire and apply for refund of national pension (feat. Summary)

hello. In this post, we will explain in detail how to inquire and apply for a national pension refund. Please apply for a refund after simply checking whether you have overpaid or not received annuities.

How to apply for National Pension refund inquiry

* Apply on the website of the National Health Insurance Service

You can view and apply for refunds from the National Pension Service on the website of the National Health Insurance Service. Proceed in the following order.



국민연금 환급금 조회

국민연금 환급금 조회


▽ Access the website of the National Health Insurance Corporation.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Click [Customized Menu for Each Visitor] > [View/Request Refund].

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Authenticate yourself. Authenticate yourself with a method convenient for you, such as simple authentication or a public certificate.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Check the refund details. If there is a refund, click the Apply button to request a refund.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
* Use the website of the National Pension Service

You can also view and apply for refunds from the National Pension Service on the website of the National Pension Service. Proceed in the following order.


▽ Access the website of the National Pension Service.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Click [Personal Service] > [Inquiry] > [Charge/Payment History] > [Overpayment and Mispayment Inquiry].

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Authenticate yourself. Authenticate yourself with a method convenient for you, such as simple authentication or a public certificate.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Check the refund details. If there is a refund, click the Apply button to request a refund.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
You can check the amount that can be refunded and whether you can apply for it in the overpayment history. If it is possible to apply, you can apply by clicking the ‘Request refund’ button. When applying, you must enter information such as the name of the account holder, bank name, and account number. After completing the application, you can check the application details and progress in the ‘Refund Application Details’ menu.


* Use the national pension app ‘National Pension Next to Me’

If you use the national pension app ‘National Pension Next to Me’, you can more conveniently view and apply for the national pension refund. Proceed in the following order.


▽ Install and run the national pension app ‘National Pension by my side’.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Log in. Enter your ID and password or use the simple login function.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Click the magnifying glass icon inquiry button.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Click the [More] button in the frequently searched search menu.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Press the [Overpayment] menu.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
▽ Check the refund details. If there is a refund, click the Apply button to request a refund.

National pension refund inquiry
National pension refund inquiry
Inquiry and application by phone
You can call the National Health Insurance Corporation call center (☎ 1355) and follow the voice guidance of the robot to select overpayment inquiry and application services. When calling, you must enter information such as your resident registration number and date of birth. If you check the overpayment history, you will be notified of the amount that can be refunded and whether you can apply for it.


Visit to inquire and apply
You can visit a branch or branch of the National Health Insurance Corporation to inquire and apply for overpayment. When visiting, you must prepare identification such as a resident registration card or driver’s license, and information such as the name of the account holder, bank name, and account number.

Inquiry and application by mail
You can send overpayment inquiries and application documents to the postal address of the National Health Insurance Service. As documents, you need a copy of your resident registration card or driver’s license, and a form with information such as the name of the account holder, bank name, and account number. The form can be downloaded from the National Health Insurance Corporation website. If you send the documents, you will check the details of the overpayment and if a refund is possible, you will be notified of the result by mail. You can check the application details and progress in the ‘Refund Application History’ menu.


Find out the expected amount of the national pension
If you want to find out the expected amount of the national pension, apart from the refund of the national pension, you can use the ‘Find out my pension’ menu on the website of the National Pension Service. After logging in, select ‘Expected Pension Amount’ to check the expected pension amount based on the current insurance premium paid and subscription period. In addition, you can find out how much the pension amount will change if you change the payment period or insurance premium through the ‘pension amount simulation’.


I will finish posting about how to inquire and apply for the national pension refund. If you do not receive the refund of the national pension in a hurry, you will not be able to receive it due to the statute of limitations, so please check your details before applying. thank you