국민취업지원제도 2유형 Comparison of National Employment Support System Type 1 vs. Type 2 in 2023 (example of job search activity, in case of non-compliance)

국민취업지원제도 2유형We support the National Employment Support System for those who want to work. The National Employment Support System is divided into Type I and Type II based on certain requirements such as age, income, and assets. Type I will receive a job search promotion allowance of up to 3 million won plus additional family allowance, and Type II will receive employment activity expenses.

It is important to find out which type of National Employment Support System you are eligible for, the requirements such as age and income, and the details of support.

1) What is the National Employment Support System?

The National Employment Support System provides employment support services, job search promotion allowances to maintain livelihoods, and employment activity costs for job seekers who wish to work. Participants in the National Employment Support System Type 1, including low-income earners, will receive employment support services and job search promotion allowances of 500,000 won for six months, and dependents can receive additional support of 100,000 won per person. Type 2 can receive employment support services and employment activity expenses of 284,000 won for up to 6 months.

2) National Employment Support System Type 1 vs Type 2 Support Target

The National Employment Support System Type I is divided into requirements screening type, selection type for young people, and selection type for non-economically active people. Upon selection, you must perform job search activities at least twice a month.

National Employment Support System Type II refers to specific classes, young people, middle-aged people, etc. that do not fall under Type I. The specific classes referred to here include marriage immigrants, at-risk youth, special workers earning less than 2.5 million won per month, and small-time self-employed people. For certain groups, if you are between the ages of 15 and 69, you can apply regardless of your income, assets, or employment experience.

Young people can apply as long as they meet the age requirements of 18 to 34 years old, regardless of income, assets, or work experience. For middle-aged people, age and income are considered. Among job seekers between the ages of 35 and 69, those with an income less than 100% of the median income are eligible.

3) National Employment Support System Type 1 vs. Type 2 support amount

National Employment Support System Type I receives job search promotion allowances and employment support services. You can receive job search promotion allowance of 500,000 won per month for up to 3 million won for 6 months. Additionally, dependents will also receive an additional allowance of 100,000 won per person, up to a maximum of 400,000 won. Not all dependents are supported. Please note that in order to receive payment, you must be a minor under the age of 18, a senior citizen over the age of 70, or a person with a severe disability.

National Employment Support System Type II receives support for employment activity costs and employment support services. During the vocational training period, you will receive support of 284,000 won per month for up to 6 months.

3-1) Specific examples of job search activities
3-2) What is the amount of job search promotion allowance in case of non-compliance with job search activities?

You must complete 100% of the prescribed job search activities to receive the full allowance. If you have performed more than 50% but less than 100%, you will receive a 50% reduction in your allowance, and if you have performed less than 50%, you will not be able to receive support money.

4) Application procedures and methods

We compared Type 1 and Type 2 of the National Employment Support System, which provides employment support services, job search promotion allowances, or employment activity costs to job seekers. If you are interested, please compare age, income, and asset requirements to find the type that suits you and apply.

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국민취업지원제도 2유형
