국세 환급금 I have taxes to refund, but how do I get it to my account? (Check national tax refund and register refund account): Tax guide

국세 환급금💡 I want to receive my national tax refund in my account. What should I do?
You can receive national tax refunds such as value-added tax, comprehensive income tax, and corporate tax into your account.
When reporting taxes, there is a box to enter the refund account, so it is good to enter it in advance, but if you have not entered it yet or the tax refund amount is large, you must register a refund account separately.
Since tax preparation agents cannot register and change refund accounts, they must be done by the taxpayer 🙂

Go to Hometax
After logging in to Hometax with your joint certificate, go to the [Application/Submission] – [Go to main tax document application] – [Report of refund account opening (change)] menu.

If you would like to check the refund details in detail, please click [Refund Detail Inquiry].

Please set the search period and search category according to your purpose and click the [Search] button.
The inquiry period can only be set up to the current date, and you can select between non-receipt and non-receipt after 1 year according to the period.
If there is a refund history, the search results will appear below.
Now, click [Report Refund Account Opening (Change)] to register a refund account.

Select and enter the details, account opening bank, and account number, click [Apply], and check whether the account information below is properly registered.
If you select all taxes, all national tax refunds will be deposited into the corresponding account.
Alternatively, you can register and manage accounts separately for each category, as shown in the example below.
When changing or deleting refund account information, please use the [Change and Cancel] menu.

#Opening a national tax refund account #Receiving the refunded tax into an account #Changing the refunded tax account #Registering a home tax refund account

ALE & Hankyung Tax Accounting
Tel 02-3667-4243 | e-mail tax@protax.co.kr
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