꽃말 모음 TOP 40 dictionary of flower language (use it for both sad and good situations!)

꽃말 모음1. TOP 100 flower language dictionary
1.1 Pretty flower language
1.2 Good flower language
1.3 Touching flower language
1.4 Sad flower language
2. Useful comments
3. The most important thing is the heart

We will organize this with a focus on pretty and good flower language. Of course, there are people who want to know the negative meaning, but I won’t explain it separately today. Next time, if I get a chance, I will explain it with things that are a bit negative and unusual, rather than flowers that make you feel good. It’s good to know.

Flower language – vowels

I will explain good stories if you give flowers as a gift on anniversaries or good days. Since I can’t tell you the story of the birth of everything in flower language, I’ll focus on the flowers that are most often gifted.

– Forget-me-not
First, forget-me-not. A man was swept away by the current and died while trying to pick a forget-me-not plant for his loved one. It is said that at the last moment he threw flowers to the woman and said, ‘Don’t forget me.’ Wouldn’t it be nice to confess your true love by giving a forget-me-not to your loved one?

– Edelweiss
It is an alpine plant with a white color that looks like snow. It is famous that the language of flowers originated from the story of a girl in the mountains. They say this girl was so beautiful. So it is said that many people climbed the Alps to see this girl. However, it is said that the girl prayed as so many people were dying and getting injured in the process. It is said that he left this world leaving behind flowers as white as snow. That is why it is said that the language of flowers has become a precious memory.

-blue roses
Originally, the flower language of blue roses was ‘impossible’. This is because it was impossible for scientists who study plants to artificially create blue flowers. However, after successful breeding, the flower language was changed to its current meaning of ‘nothing is impossible’ and ‘miracle’. I think it would be a great gift to give to a friend, family member or lover who is studying hard.

It always feels good to receive flowers as a gift. I think it would be better to convey your feelings a little more if you not only give flowers, but also convey the language of flowers. I hope you can share your feelings with many people by sharing the collection of flower language that I told you today.

There may be negative flower language, scary, unusual, birth flower language, etc., but today we have summarized the good flower language that can express sadness and beauty. And if you search for the flower language collection tree wiki, you can see more information. Please take note.

Gypsophila flower language, 4 colors, different meanings
When you want to gift an anniversary or something to an acquaintance, you often give flowers as a gift. First of all, the TOP 40 flower language dictionary explains various types, so I recommend that you look at them first. In this article

A collection of sad flower language: 50 useful things to know
As you go through life, you will inevitably end up giving flowers to someone. Avoid situations where you might make the mistake of using negative flower language, and learn the sad language of flowers to avoid being rude. sad

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