넷플릭스 고객센터 및 전화번호 Netflix customer service and phone number

The Netflix customer service phone number is 00-308-321-0161. This is a toll-free number that can help you if you have problems using Netflix. I’ve used Netflix for several years and rarely have to call customer service, but I can call this number when I need to.

넷플릭스 고객센터

넷플릭스 고객센터

Recently, Netflix introduced an advertising-based standard plan. This plan is becoming popular among people who use it alone while watching ads without sharing. However, there are a few things that are disappointing. The advertised standard plan does not support 4K or HDR, and the maximum resolution is 1080p. Additionally, simultaneous users are limited to 2 and storage devices are limited to 2. It would have been a more attractive option if there had been more storage devices.


Despite these limitations, the advertised standard plan is becoming the plan of choice for many users for economic reasons. It is suitable for users who want to enjoy a variety of Netflix content at a cheaper price. You can change your rate plan or inquire about services through the customer center, so please use it when necessary.





Netflix customer service phone number

Go to Netflix Customer Center phone number 👉


Go to the Netflix homepage. Netflix is ​​an online video streaming service that provides a variety of content, and you can find information on supported devices, media, customer service, and gift card information.




On the homepage main screen, scroll down to the end of the screen. Then the customer service phone number will appear. The phone number is 00-308-321-0161, and it is a toll-free number.



You may want to check out their customer service center before calling. In the customer center, you can freely search and find solutions to various problems.



If searching doesn’t give you the solution you’re looking for, you can also browse by category. Payment problems usually occur a lot, so we’ve organized them well so you can refer to them.



Problems such as wanting to cancel, payment being made when you didn’t want it to be made, payment method not working, etc. are well-documented, so it would be more convenient if you could resolve them here rather than over the phone.