대환대출 온라인 플랫폼 Starting online one-stop refinancing loans from May 31st < Finance/Fintech < Main article - DigitalToday

대환대출 온라인 플랫폼[Digital Today Reporter Kang Jin-gyu] A service that allows you to check loan information from major financial companies and convert a loan online if there are more favorable conditions is launched.
The Financial Services Commission, the Financial Supervisory Service, and the Federation of Banks announced on the 31st that financial consumers will be able to exchange credit loans with more favorable terms using their smartphones without visiting a branch of a financial company.
The government has been promoting measures to promote competition among banks through digital transformation of finance. In response, the Financial Services Commission, along with the Financial Supervisory Service, the Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute, major financial companies and fintech companies, has established an infrastructure for refinancing loans that allows people to easily move to lower interest rates.
From the 31st, consumers will be able to easily search for information on credit loans they have received from banks, savings banks, and card/capital companies and transfer to more favorable conditions at once. This online one-stop loan transfer is available as a smartphone app.
There are loan comparison platform apps and major financial company apps as apps that can transfer loans. In the platform app, you can check existing loans through My Data, compare the loan conditions of various financial companies, and then move to the app of the selected financial company to transfer the loan. In the individual financial company’s app, you can check the existing loans received from other financial companies without signing up for My Data, and then directly transfer to the loan from the financial company.
Loan comparison platforms are provided by Naver Pay, Bank Salad, Kakao Pay, Toss, Pinda, KB Kookmin Card, and Welcome Savings Bank.
In addition, the app is NH Nonghyup Bank, Shinhan Bank, Woori Bank, SC First Bank, IBK Industrial Bank, KB Kookmin Bank, Hana Bank, Suhyup Bank, Daegu Bank, Busan Bank, Kwangju Bank, Kyongnam Bank, K Bank, Kakao Bank, Toss Bank, JT Savings Bank, KB Savings Bank, Daol Savings Bank, Moa Savings Bank, Shinhan Savings Bank, Pepper Savings Bank, Korea Investment Savings Bank, KB Kookmin Card, Lotte Card, Woori Card, Samsung Card, Shinhan Card, Hana Card, It is provided by Hyundai Card, BNK Capital, DGB Capital, JB Woori Capital, and NH Nonghyup Capital.
When you select a loan comparison platform or a refinancing loan service (loan transfer) within a financial company app, you first check the interest rate of the loan you have received and the amount to be repaid. Then, you can enter your income, job, and asset information to inquire about new loan conditions and see if you can switch to a better loan.
After considering all the information and finally choosing a new loan, the loan contract is executed on the financial company’s app. When the contract is completed, the consumer’s existing loan is automatically repaid through the loan transfer system. The transfer ends when the consumer confirms that the old loan has been completely repaid and the new loan has been received.
The service hours are from 9:00 to 16:00 every business day during bank business hours, and there is no limit to the number of times the service is used. However, in the case of a loan without an early repayment fee, it can be transferred using the system only after 6 months have elapsed since the loan contract was executed.
Financial authorities expect that at the beginning of the service, there will be interest reduction benefits, especially in cases where borrowers who received high-interest loans last year move to relatively lower interest rates and high-credit customers in the 2nd financial sector move to medium-rate products in the 1st financial sector.
In the future, as a result of continuous movement of consumers and competition among financial companies, it is predicted that the loan interest rates of each financial company will converge within a certain range.
An official from the Financial Services Commission said, “The financial authorities plan to closely monitor the operating status of the infrastructure to promote consumer convenience and stability in the financial market.” The infrastructure will also be built within this year.”

대환대출 온라인 플랫폼
