둥글레차 효능 고혈압 It’s good for high blood pressure! But if it’s lacking by 2%, use red ginseng!

Reporter Oh Sung-young = The fact that Donggurecha, which is increasing in consumption in summer, can help manage blood pressure and diabetes if eaten steadily is a hot topic. However, red ginseng products, which are slightly better than other foods and have been proven effective, are gaining popularity among people who want better effects. 둥글레차 효능 고혈압

Donggulle is a plant in the lily family, and its roots are usually made into tea. To make Donggulle tea, add the roots of dried Donggulle once or nine times, put an appropriate amount in boiling water, wait for about 20 minutes, and drink it. Donggulle tea is easy to make and can be drunk instead of water. You can also add brown rice or green tea to the Donggulle.

The effect of Donggurecha is to lower blood pressure and blood sugar. However, Donggurecha is oriental medicineally cold, so if a person with a cold stomach drinks it, side effects of Donggurecha such as diarrhea and heartburn may occur. In some cases, Donggurecha is used to relieve constipation symptoms. jasminevista.com

However, since Donggulecha is only a “food” and not a medicine for treatment, it is ineffective to manage blood pressure and improve health. Because of this, people suffering from high blood pressure often choose red ginseng whose efficacy has been verified through various clinical trials rather than Donggulecha, which has been proven through various clinical trials, because its effectiveness is weak and there are relatively few studies.

Through clinical trials, researchers at Chungnam National University have found that red ginseng is effective in lowering high blood pressure. First, the researchers induced high blood pressure in mice. Then, they added ingredients extracted from red ginseng and observed how these ingredients change blood pressure.

둥글레차 효능 고혈압

The blood pressure of the subjects who took red ginseng decreased by 30mmHg, confirming the effect of reducing the blood pressure of red ginseng. <Photo provided by Jeon Byeong-hwa and other ‘Effects of Korean red ginseng saponin and bisaponin on blood pressure in nephrotic hypertension white papers’

As a result, the blood pressure decreased from 190mmHg to 160mmHg after red ginseng was added, lowering by 30mmHg. Even after it has been lowered, red ginseng’s efficacy may appear weak, still exceeding the high blood pressure standard of 150mmHg. However, considering that the standard of normal blood pressure is 120mmHg, and the difference between normal and hypertension is 30mmHg, red ginseng has excellent efficacy enough to make high blood pressure patients normal.

In order for such excellent red ginseng to fully enjoy its blood pressure-lowering effect, it is necessary to eat all of it without throwing away. However, the efficacy of red ginseng extract products on the market is halved because only a part of red ginseng can be consumed.

Most red ginseng extract products contain red ginseng in water, extracting only water-soluble components that dissolve in water, and discarding the heated red ginseng. The amount of insoluble components that do not dissolve in water are discarded along with the heated red ginseng residue, which is 52.2%, more than half of the total. The efficacy is naturally halved because only 47.8% of red ginseng’s nutrients can be consumed.

Some high-end products, on the other hand, are made to consume all insoluble ingredients, including a large amount of saponin and ginsenoside, through a differentiated manufacturing method in which red ginseng is ground to the red ginseng concentrate as a whole. As a result, it is more effective because it can consume more than 95% of red ginseng’s nutrients.

The effect of Donggulecha can help control blood pressure, but if the food is within the range and expects an excellent effect equivalent to the medicine, you should choose one with proven efficacy such as red ginseng.

Source: Environmental Daily (http://www.hkbs.co.kr )