주식 코인 물타기 계산기(feat 평단가 계산기) Stock coin floating calculator (feat average price calculator)

stock price calculator
These days, with stock prices fluctuating, many people are wondering whether now is the time to take a plunge. There are also sites that provide stock divestment calculators, and in fact, anyone can easily calculate stock valuation in Excel.

물타기 계산기

물타기 계산기

It’s a really simple formula, so I’ve shared it in the file below.

Stock trading calculator.xlsx

If you open Excel, you will see the formula applied as shown below.

If you enter the average unit price and quantity you currently have, the order amount will be automatically calculated.

If you enter the average unit price and quantity to be floated, you can calculate the average value by adding the existing quantity + the float purchase price.

When investing in stocks, you must first decide how much of a rating you ultimately want to create.

For example, if the stock I bought for 10,000 won has now fallen so much that it has become 4,000 won, I need to decide in advance how much I will make by purchasing additional stock and how many shares I will buy, and then make a guess accordingly.

If the number of orders is large, the quantity to buy will also increase, and buying without buying does not necessarily guarantee success, so it is best to carefully calculate in advance before deciding on a purchase.




Perhaps reflecting the needs of consumers, a water-riding calculator has also appeared in securities firms’ apps. The securities company app that has a stock trading calculator is Shinhan Alpha, the Shinhan Investment & Securities app. In the case of Shinhan Alpha, it is simpler to use because it is linked to the account I have. If you do not have the app, you can refer to the article below and install the app.


Non-face-to-face method of opening an account at Shinhan Investment & Securities

Non-face-to-face account opening at Shinhan Investment & Securities To make a transaction through Shinhan Investment & Securities, you must open an account. There are two ways to open an account: one is by visiting a securities company branch, and the other is non-face-to-face, which is described in this article.


1. Run Shinhan Alpha App > Menu > Click Water Calculator

2. Enter the investment amount and quantity to be invested.

3. Check the average unit price after watering

The advantage of using the floating calculator in the Shinhan Alpha app is that it is convenient to manage the unit price as it goes from calculating the desired average unit price to ordering.

However, this calculator also has the disadvantage of being usable only when there are stocks owned by Shinhan Alpha.


It goes without saying that in stock trading, there are many times when diving into stocks is not the answer.

This will vary depending on the stocks an individual owns, so please always make your decision carefully.