반려동물 행동지도사 First implementation of national qualification for pet behavior instructors :: Story Rich

반려동물 행동지도사education
January 7, 2024
by. Story Rich
The number of private certifications related to pet behavior continues to increase year by year, reaching 59 by 2022.

Pet behavior instructors are also called variously such as dog trainer, dog behavior corrector, pet behavior corrector, dog behavior expert, and dog etiquette education instructor.

The demand for companion animal behavior guidance is continuously increasing, but as private qualifications with various standards are in operation, a system has been prepared to establish a new national qualification for companion animal behavior guidance due to the demand for operating a systematic and objective qualification system.

The ‘national certification system’ for pet behavior instructors is scheduled to be introduced for the first time in April 2024.

There is no specific information regarding the pet behavior instructor certification yet, but we will find out about the exam date, exam preparation, etc.

National Certification for Pet Behavior Instructor

Pet behavior instructors are in charge of behavior analysis and evaluation of companion animals, training of companion animals, and education of companion animal owners.

If the Pet Behavior Instructor is implemented as a national certification, it will become the second pet-related national certification after the Animal Health Technician.

Since the national qualification test for pet behavior instructors will be conducted for the first time by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs after April 27, 2024, there is no detailed information about the written test, practical test, difficulty level, passing criteria, etc.

The first national qualification exam for companion animal behavior instructors is expected to be held in the first half of the year, and the exam schedule and detailed information will be announced on the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs website at a later date.

👉Check notices for pet behavior instructors

Since this is the first exam for the national certification for pet behavior instructors, there is a possibility that the questions will be similar to the animal-related content covered in private certifications related to pet behavior.

Since it is the first national certification exam for the first time that the pet behavior instructor certification is administered, there are no existing questions, so it may be difficult to study. However, the difficulty of the exam tends to be easy, so those who are interested in companion animals should take the first exam. It’s also a good idea to take the test

Becoming a pet behavior instructor is conducted through a first written test and a second practical test. After testing your ability to teach pets, related laws, and pet guardian education, you can obtain a certificate if you meet certain conditions.

Just as in the case of the Animal Health Technician certification, which is a national animal-related certification, you must graduate from a college that has been evaluated and certified by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, to be eligible to apply for the companion animal behavior instructor certification, you will also need to have animal-related experience or a degree in a related department. It’s possible

Since there is no specific test-related information yet, you should check frequently for future announcements.

👉Check notices for pet behavior instructors

If you are not an animal-related major, it is a good idea to first obtain a pet stylist certification, which is a nationally recognized certification that anyone can apply for without age, education, or experience restrictions, or a pet funeral director certification, which is a privately registered certification.

Pet behavior instructors can also work in dog-related industries such as dog centers, dog cafes, hotels, hair salons, and dog training centers.

It is expected that you will be able to work in various fields related to pets, such as pet sitter and instructor.

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