보건증 발급 받는 방법 Health certificate issued? It’s not difficult Issuance method Public health center inspection cost reissuance summary

보건증 발급 받는 방법Health certificate issuance method

In order to obtain a health certificate, you must first undergo an examination. Health certificate tests can be done at public health centers and hospitals. If you visit with your ID, you can receive an inspection immediately after registration. For minors who do not yet have a resident registration card, a student ID or passport and a copy of resident registration can be used for inspection. In addition, the cost is 15,000 won to 30,000 won at a general hospital and 3,000 won at a public health center, so you can get a health certificate test at a low price.

General Hospital: KRW 15,000 ~ KRW 30,000
Public health center: 3,000 won

There are three health certificate examination items: pulmonary tuberculosis, typhoid, and infectious skin disease. Before taking the test, you can select the method of receiving the health certificate after checking the simple questionnaire on the test sheet. The three disease tests take about 30 minutes and are issued if there are no abnormalities.

1. Contagious skin disease: Refers to bacterial skin diseases such as Hansen’s disease. In particular, when working in the food-related industry, there is a risk of contagion, so it is necessary to check for infectious skin diseases. The test is performed by showing both hands in front and behind. 2. Pulmonary tuberculosis: Tuberculosis bacillus is also transmitted from person to person, and there is a risk of infection when coughing and sneezing, so it is included in the inspection items. The examiner will take a chest X-ray after removing the top, underwear, and accessories.
3. Typhoid fever: This disease is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. When cooking, typhoid bacteria can be contaminated and spread, so inspection is required. To test for typhoid fever, simply insert a long cotton swab (2.5 to 4 cm) for sample collection into the anus, pull it out, and submit it to the person in charge.

Receiving a health certificate varies by hospital or health center. After inspection, it usually takes about 5 days, excluding weekends and holidays. If you pick it up in person, you need to bring your ID card, and if you pick it up by proxy, you must prepare a power of attorney, your ID card, and your proxy’s ID card. Health certificates can also be issued online. It can be issued on the public health center website, public health portal, government 24, and can also be obtained through the unmanned issuance machine in the public health center.

👉Go to Public Health Portal👈
👉Go to Government 24👈

It can be reissued free of charge within one year after the health certificate inspection, and it can be reissued at the Ministry of Health and Welfare online complaint service (G-health) or at a public health center. Since the issued health certificate is valid for one year, a new inspection is required after one year.

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