부모급여 신청방법 How to apply for parental benefit / application period / retroactive application / difference in infant allowance

부모급여 신청방법How to apply for parental benefit / application period / retrospective application / difference in infant allowance – In 2022, infant allowance was paid to parents raising infants from 0 to 1 years old. In 2023, the infant allowance system was changed to a parental benefit and the amount of support was drastically increased. In this article, we will look at how to apply for parental benefits, the application period, retroactive application, differences from infant allowance, and calculation methods.

Parental benefit is a system that starts on January 4, 2023, and is a system that supports parents raising children aged 0 (0 months to 11 months) and 1 year old (12 months to 23 months) to relieve the financial burden. it’s It can be seen that the existing infant allowance is reorganized into parental benefit.
From 0 to 23 months, you will receive parental benefits, and from 24 months onward, you can receive childcare allowance. Therefore, childrearing allowance and parental allowance are not overlapped.

Applications for parental benefits are available starting at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. However, in the case of parental benefits, application must be made within 60 days, including the date of birth, to be supported from the month of birth. If you apply for parental benefit after 60 days of birth, you must be aware that it is paid from the month of parental benefit application, not retroactively.

Support is provided for children under 2 years old born on or after January 1, 2022. If you were born in 2022 and are currently 0 years old, you would have received infant allowance in 2022. From 2023, as the infant allowance is expanded to parental benefits, the amount of parental benefits will be supported from January 2023. For detailed calculation method, please refer to the bottom of this article.

Payments will be made on the 25th of each month after January 25, 2023.

The infant allowance is a system that supports 300,000 won per month for childcare for children aged 0 to 1. As this was changed to parental benefit, the subsidy was greatly expanded to 700,000 won per month for 0-year-olds and 350,000 won per month for 1-year-olds. Therefore, you can think of it as the same support system and the amount of support has been expanded as the name has changed.

In 2023, 0-year-olds receive 700,000 won per month and 1-year-olds receive 350,000 won per month.
In the case of parental benefits in 2024, it was decided to further expand the amount of support, providing KRW 1 million per month for children aged 0 years and KRW 500,000 per month for children aged 1 year.

You can apply at the eup, myeon, or dong community service center in the jurisdiction of your address.
You can apply through the Welfare Lo website or the Government 24 website.

As mentioned above, if you apply for parental benefits within 60 days of your birth, you will be paid retroactively from the month in which your birth date belongs. However, if you apply after the 60th day of birth, it is not retroactively applied, and you must apply within the deadline as it is paid from the month in which the application date belongs. In addition, if a child born in 2022 is still 0 years of age, he or she will receive 700,000 won from January 23, the date of implementation of the parental benefit, and no additional payment will be made for the infant allowance received in 2022.

In the case of a child born in September 2022, an infant allowance of 300,000 won per month would have been paid until December 2022. From January 2023, 700,000 won will be applied as a parental benefit, and from September 2023, when children turn 1 year old, 350,000 won will be paid per month.

From 2024, 1 million won for 0-year-olds and 500,000 won for 1-year-olds are applied, and they will be paid 500,000 won.

It can be confusing as the system changes several times in a short period of time. We have created a table by period to make it easier to understand, so please refer to the table below.

Parental benefit is a universal welfare system that can be received regardless of whether or not parental leave is paid or not.

If you have already received infant allowance in cash, you do not need to apply separately. However, in the case of 0-year-old children (0 months to 11 months) who use daycare centers and receive childcare voucher support, a difference of 186,000 won is incurred, and account information to receive the difference must be entered. Please refer to the How to apply for Parental Benefits section of this article for how to enter.

If you are a 0-year-old child, a difference of 186,000 won is generated and you can receive the difference by entering the account to be paid for that part. If you are a 1-year-old child, you will receive a childcare voucher as it is now, and you do not need to apply separately because the childcare voucher is 514,000 won and there is no cash difference.

Please refer to the table below for the support system by age of children.

In this article, we looked at how to apply for parental benefits / application period / retroactive application / differences in infant allowance. Until now, it was Antenna Bear.

How to apply for child allowance and what documents are required? Find out about the application period, eligibility conditions, and recognized income
hello? Antenna Bear. The child allowance system will begin in September 2018. I think many people have already applied. Today, how to apply for child allowance, required documents, application period, qualification conditions,
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