상표권 등록 Summary of trademark application registration methods on your own – Link Marketing

상표권 등록Link Marketing

While doing business, you must register trademarks for your products and company name.
However, trademark registration is often postponed for various reasons, such as cost, difficulty in contacting a patent attorney, or thinking that it is not yet time to file a trademark application. For those people, we have summarized how to register a self-trademark.
You may know about the incident that occurred not long ago, in which someone else took over the trademark of Baek Jong-won’s alley restaurant, Deopjuk.
As in this case, if you miss out on first priority, you will have to fight through a lawsuit. We don’t know whether a trademark lawsuit will take 5 or 10 years, and what’s more, we don’t know if we can win.
Individuals can register trademarks directly on the website. Before, it was really complicated to register a trademark on your own.
However, as it became possible to register trademarks directly on the web without installing a program, it became possible to do so on one’s own. If you do it yourself, the total cost will only include the 56,000 government fee.
Today, I registered a trademark. I also launched several trademarks like this.
If you would like to register a trademark on your own, please follow the steps below.

There are four major steps to registering a trademark.
First, patent customer registration (membership registration)
Second, certificate registration
Third, trademark registration
Fourth, payment of fees
Please follow the steps below slowly.
Go to the patent website operated by the Korean Intellectual Property Office. https://www.patent.go.kr/
Please note that this is also possible in the Chrome browser.

Once you apply for registration, it will take a few days for approval.

If you want to do it as an individual, you can do it as an individual, and if you want to do it as a business, you can do it as a business.

Once patent customer registration is approved, register a public certificate (joint certificate).

Click Menu – Application Submission – Domestic Application.

Please note here that you should skip the pre-application application process or electronic application software installation. You can apply by installing the software yourself, but for trademarks, you can simply fill out a specification on the web.

Here too, when filling out the integrated statement above, all attached document entry and form filling are skipped. Immediately click “Web Creation/Submission”.

9. Start creating the web.
Applicant information is automatically entered into the system.
Leave the registration target input method as “Enter only the notice name.”

I will enter it assuming an online education brand.
First, select “Products”.
Then select “Similar Group Codes”. At this time, you can select the applicable code.
Then, similar group codes are included in “Product Details”.
Click the “Add Selected” button to send it as a “Designated Product.”
Then click “Add Designated Product”.
Try it yourself and you will know. If you click on this and that, you will find out.

However, you may not know which product to choose here.
At this point, think of famous brands that are potential competitors.
Go to Cypris and do a trademark search. http://kdtj.kipris.or.kr/kdtj/searchLogina.do?method=loginTM
Let’s assume online English education and search for “Speaking Max.” Speaking Max has registered more than three types.
There are 41 categories. I think type 41 is correct.
Classes 9 and 38 may also be additionally registered.

Big companies do not know how their business will expand, so they do various things. You can do more than one, but please do it according to the situation. First of all, a trademark can only be defended within the same category.
Press the “Add” button to enter.

Select “General Trademark” and press “Apply”.
Most visible text or image trademarks are general trademarks.

Fees are entered automatically. One piece is 56,000 won.

For example, if you register “Assa English” as a trademark, this is the process of registering the image of Assa English.
It seems that the trademark is registered as text, but it is registered as an image. So, here in the web builder, when you enter text, it automatically creates an image and registers it as an image.

Check all the contents and click the “Submit Online” button to submit.

The screen after submission is as follows.

You have to pay the amount shown earlier, 56,000 won. There is no direct link in the screen above.
Click “Fees Management” – “Fees Payment” on the main page.

Then, you will see the items to pay for as shown below.
Click the “Pay” button to make payment.

A payment window will pop up and you can make the payment. Payment methods include credit card payment, bank transfer, and mobile phone payment.

We will now begin trademark screening, and you can respond if you are contacted along the way.

If you do this, you have become a first-choice candidate and have secured first place. When it comes to trademarks, the application date is most important. If it is not possible to contact a patent attorney, please follow the instructions above and file your application as soon as possible.
I learned about how to register a trademark on my own.
We hope the above will be helpful to your business.

상표권 등록
