생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health check-up items by life cycle, types of subjects and costs

Find out about ‘health checkup by life cycle’ and health checkup during life transition period.
생애주기별 건강검진

‘Health checkup by life cycle’
hello.? It’s a toast. In today’s health-related post, we will learn about ‘health checkup by life cycle’.


생애주기별 건강검진

What is ‘health checkup by life cycle’?


Health checkup by life cycle means receiving health checkups focusing on health points by age to prevent diseases that require attention in advance. To put it simply, there are various health checkups by age. For infants and toddlers up to the age of 5, there is a health checkup for infants and toddlers, for school children between the ages of 6 and 18 there is a student checkup, and for adults over the age of 19 there is a general adult checkup and cancer screening. there is. In addition, for the elderly aged 65 or older, general screening for the elderly and cancer screening are distinguished. These national health checkups are provided by the National Health Insurance Corporation and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Below, we will look at exactly how health checkups are performed by life cycle.


1. Health checkup for infants and toddlers



Health checkups for infants and toddlers are conducted from 0 to 5 years old, and are conducted 7 times (4 months, 9 months, 18 months, 30 months, 42 months, 54 months, 66 months). Health checkup items for infants and toddlers are slightly different for each age group. 4 months of medical examination and examination, physical examination, health education / 9 months of medical examination and examination, physical measurement, developmental screening examination and consultation, health education / 18 months of medical examination and examination, physical examination and developmental screening examination and consultation, health education Oral interviews and examinations, and oral health education are provided. 30 months: medical examination and examination, physical measurement, development screening examination and consultation, health education / 42 months: medical examination and examination, physical measurement, developmental screening examination and consultation, health education and oral examination and examination, oral health education / 54 months Medical examination and examination, physical measurement, developmental screening examination and consultation, health education and oral examination and examination, oral health education / 66 months, examination and examination, physical measurement, developmental screening examination and consultation, and health education are provided.



2. Student Health Checkup

Among health checkups by life cycle, student health checkups are conducted from 6 to 18 years of age. In the case of student health checkups, regular health checkups are conducted for students to guide them on necessary measures to prevent the treatment of diseases and to improve their ability to manage their own health. This is a health check-up.

For students, 1st grade, 4th grade, 1st grade in middle school, and 1st grade in high school will be held a total of 4 times. For non-students, health checkups are conducted once every three years. In addition to basic tests such as eye disease, ear disease, nose disease, neck disease, skin disease, hearing, vision, and blood pressure tests, basic tests for diagnosing kidney disease, diabetes, hematuria, urinary tract infections, and biliary tract diseases are also performed. In addition, it is a shooting for tuberculosis and circulatory system examination for first graders of middle school and first grade of high school. Chest X-rays, which are tests to investigate pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung cancer, meningitis, bronchial abnormalities, arteriosclerosis, cardiac hypertrophy, etc. in the state of the aorta and heart, are also taken, and obesity and risk assessment of adult diseases and anemia are checked in high school female students. A blood test will be done for you.


3. General adult screening and cancer screening



General health checkups and cancer checkups, which are conducted from the age of 19 to 64 in adulthood, are essential health checkups to prevent diseases that are highly likely to occur depending on age and gender. The National Health Insurance Corporation conducts free checkups every two years for adult men and women of a certain age. Basic physical measurements such as height, weight, and blood pressure as well as hepatitis, blood tests, and chest radiography are included in the primary examination. If a specific disease is suspected based on the results of the primary examination, a secondary examination is conducted. In the second check-up, subjects suspected of high blood pressure will receive blood pressure and electrocardiograms, and those suspected of diabetes will have fasting blood sugar and blood glucose tests 2 hours after eating. Once the test is completed, you will receive the results by mail or e-mail within 15 days from the date of check-up. . In the case of cancer screening, the screening age and screening period are different. In the case of stomach cancer, men and women over 40 years of age are screened every two years. Colorectal cancer is screened every year for men and women over the age of 50. For liver cancer, screening is performed every six months for men and women aged 40 years or older who are at high risk of developing liver cancer. In the case of female cancer, breast cancer screening is performed every two years for women over the age of 40, and for cervical cancer, screening is performed every two years for women over the age of 20.



4. Life transition period health checkup


Life transition period health checkup is a scientifically tailored health checkup that considers gender and age-specific characteristics for the age group of 40 (middle-aged) and 66-year-old (elderly), which are the turning points of health care by life cycle. Health examinations are conducted according to the characteristics of each age, such as the rapid increase in the incidence of chronic diseases such as cancer and cerebrovascular disease in the case of 40 years of age, and the increased risk of geriatric diseases such as falls and cognitive dysfunction in those over 66 years of age. For those eligible for life transition period health checkup, checkups are conducted in the year they reach the age of 40 or 66 among those eligible for general checkup. Test items include medical examination, consultation, height, weight, waist circumference, body mass index, vision, hearing, blood pressure measurement / dyslipidemia test: total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglyceride / liver function test: AST (SGOT) , ALT (SGPT), gamma-GTP / diabetes test: fasting blood sugar / renal function test: urine protein, serum creatinine, glomerular filtration rate / anemia test: hemoglobin / chest radiography / oral examination / bone density test (66-year-old female) / Elderly physical function test (66 years old) – Fall test (lower extremity function equilibrium) / Depression screening test / Hepatitis test (40 years old).