세븐일레븐 재고조회 및 앱 100% 활용법 How to check 7-Eleven inventory and use the app 100%

It can be purchased at ‘7-Eleven’ convenience stores. You can easily check in advance with the app whether Song Ga-in Makgeolli is in stock at the 7-Eleven near your house.

세븐일레븐 재고조회

세븐일레븐 재고조회
To check the stock of Song Ga-in Makgeolli at 7-Eleven, you must first download and install the ‘7-Eleven App’. You can also check the inventory of the store you want through ‘Find Products in My Neighborhood’.


It is said that all initial quantities have been sold out, so please be sure to check inventory and visit a 7-Eleven convenience store to make a successful purchase.



Song Ga-in Makgeolli price, ingredients, taste
The price of Song Ga-in makgeolli is 2,500 won. It is a makgeolli containing rice, sweetener, aspartame, etc., and has a carbonated taste with a soft and clean mouthfeel. I think it would be great to have a cool cup of makgeori in the upcoming hot summer weather.


Posters for Song Ga-in Makgeolli have been released, and the refreshing blue poster stands out the most. The hanbok poster that matches Song Ga-in well, the blue color poster that matches summer, and the pink poster that stands out the most for her beauty all seem to make people look forward to Song Ga-in makgeolli.


The story behind the birth of Song Ga-in’s ‘Makgeolliara’
It is said that Song Ga-in participated in the production of Song Ga-in Makgeolli, from product planning to design and development of makgeolli.


Song Ga-in, who has always had a special love for agricultural products and farmers, is said to have been concerned about increasing farmers’ rice consumption. And as a child, Song Ga-in said she was always interested in makgeolli after seeing her parents make makgeolli and drink it themselves. She said that over the course of several months, she carefully selected breweries across the country to create ‘Makgeolli Eora’, a makgeolli made from 100% Korean rice.


Recommended makgeolli snacks
Snacks that go well with makgeolli include seafood and green onion pancakes, kimchi pancakes, tofu kimchi, fried foods, and sundae. What do you like most when drinking makgeolli?

Seafood and green onion pancakes: The salty taste of seafood and the softness of green onion pancakes go well with the taste of makgeolli.
Kimchi Pancake: The salty taste of kimchi, soft eggs, and crunchy parts go well with the taste of makgeolli.
Tofu Kimchi: The softness of tofu and the salty taste of kimchi combine with the taste of makgeolli.
Fried food: Fried food emphasizes the flavor in makgeolli, which keeps it in a neutral zone.
Sundae: Crispy and chewy Sundae adds to the refreshing taste of makgeolli and can be enjoyed deliciously.