셀프주유소 삼성페이 Full of self-service gas stations, use Samsung Pay, what to pay attention to when using a credit card?

셀프주유소 삼성페이I will explain how to use Samsung Pay at self-service gas stations. Have you tried using the “full” function when using a gas station? I often use the ‘full’ function. These days, when the price of crude oil soars, it seems to be used too often.
And I proceed with payment with Samsung Pay. Let’s find out about the principle of filling the gas station and explain how to do it.

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The principle of filling up the gas station is also called ‘full’ when the vehicle’s oil tank is filled with gas. When you refuel your vehicle and the vehicle is full of gas, the fuel gauge will stop.
You can think of it as a principle that automatically cuts off and calculates the amount of oil put in the vehicle.

For those who use Samsung Pay, you can use the following to fill it up, so please refer to it.
This is how to use Samsung Pay self-service gas station as above. I currently have a broken magnetic card.
Please note that when you use the self-service gas station ‘full’ function with Samsung Pay, you pay twice as follows. And there are things to keep in mind when making card payments.

When paying with a credit card, it is important to check whether the credit card payment with a prepayment of 150,000 won has been canceled. If you just go without checking if the cancellation has been made, you may have to visit the gas station again and pay by card in case of an error. (If you go back to the place you went on a trip… it’s terrible, right?)
It is said that there are a few cases where card payments are not accepted due to machine errors. Please refer to it.
I have confirmed that the current card cancellation is neat.

So, rather than refueling with ‘full’, it was more comfortable to pay after expecting a certain amount, right? Please take a look and use it.
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