어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to look up fines for speeding in children’s zones

Children’s zone speed violation is limited to 30 km. Of course, we are also cracking down on illegal parking, so today we are going to learn about fines and penalty points for violations. As of March 25, 2020, as a measure to strengthen traffic safety in child protection zones, if an accident occurs in a school zone, additional punishment will be imposed, so special attention is required.
어린이 보호구역 속도위반

From what time to what time is the speed violation in the child protection zone? In case of violating the speed limit in school zones, fines or fines are nearly twice as high as on general roads. Find out about the speed violation time standards in child protection zones, whether there is a set time for enforcement and what happens at dawn or at night

Guidelines for speeding violations in child protection zones at dawn or at night
Information on speeding violations in child protection zones

어린이 보호구역 속도위반

Crackdowns on speeding violations in child protection zones are subject to crackdowns from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every day, regardless of holidays or holidays. In fact, there are many people who know that the speed limit for child protection zones is 24 hours.


Of course, crackdowns are conducted 24 hours a day.


However, between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., fines or fines are applied according to the regulations for protected areas when speeding or related laws are violated, and at other times, fines and fines of general road regulations apply. no see.


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“The enforcement time for children’s protection zones is 24 hours, and the standard for applying fines is differentiated by hour.”

In the case of violating traffic laws in a child protection area at dawn or at night, fines and fines are applied according to general road regulations, not in a protection area.


As the speed limit in children’s shelters was limited to 30 km/h, many drivers at one time complained of inconvenience. A lot of people said that it should be applied only during the time when students go to school and go home.


From the driver’s point of view, it was argued that the speed limit should be released at dawn or at night when young students do not go to and from school.


Please note that speeding enforcement in child protection zones is conducted 24 hours a day.


Then, what is the difference between the fines and fines for protected areas and general roads?


Children’s Zone Penalty Information


If a speeding violation or traffic accident occurs in a child protection zone, you will receive a fine for negligence and even more severe punishment according to relevant laws and regulations.


In the case of fines for protection zones for the traffic vulnerable, including children’s protection zones, they are divided into general roads and protection zones based on passenger cars. In general, in the case of protected areas, fines are nearly twice as high as on general roads, so drivers are advised to be careful.


In the case of fines for speed violations in child protection zones, 60,000 won for speeds below 20 km/h, 90,000 won for 20-40 km/h, 120,000 won for 40-60 km/h, and 160,000 won for exceeding 60 km/h .


Child protection zone fines and fines



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Criteria for speeding in children’s zones
Let’s take a closer look at the standards for speeding in children’s zones.


A child protection zone is a system to prevent traffic accidents by designating a certain section of the road around facilities for children under the age of 13 as a protection zone to secure a safe space for children to go to school, and is also called a school zone. This includes around elementary schools, kindergartens, daycare centers, and academies.


In addition, the regulation on the speed limit stipulates that the vehicle speed can be limited to 30 kilometers per hour in accordance with Article 12 of the Road Traffic Act, the designation and management of children’s protection zones.


Wouldn’t it take 40km of speed violation error range?



There is a margin of error for speed cameras as well as child protection zones. Of course, there is no set rule or correct answer for error, but it usually seems to be in the 5% range. Since this is different for each device, there may be cases where it does not take even if you pass 40 km from the 30 km speed limit.


When taking a regular taxi, even when an alarm sounds that there is a speeding enforcement camera, the fact that taxi drivers just pass by can also be seen as taking into account some error.


For example, at a point where the speed limit is 100km, even if you pass at 105km, there may be cases where you are not caught in the enforcement because it is considered as an error range. However, there is no fixed answer for this, and it is more important than anything to drive within the speed limit set at a level that is considered normal.


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We learned about the time and standards for speeding violations in child protection zones. The enforcement time for speed violations in children’s zones continues 24 hours a day, even at dawn or at night, but the fines of the general road regulations apply.