에버랜드 플랜잇 가격 및 예약방법 Everland Plan It price and reservation method

Everland Free Pass tickets include Q Pass and Plan It. This page contains a description of Everland Plan It, as well as information on prices, reservations, discounts, and how to use it.

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Everland Plan It
This product allows you to quickly board the rides (attractions) you want in advance. Introducing Everland Plan It, which allows you to pass with a free pass without waiting in line.

에버랜드 플랜잇

How to use
Although the price is not cheap, it is so popular that tickets are sold out on days with large crowds. We’ve prepared everything about Plan-it, so read it and decide for yourself.


Please refer to the complete guide to Everland discounts and free passes and tips for using Everland parking lots at the bottom of the text.

Complete guide to Everland discount free pass

This is information on Everland discounts and overall usage information. For those who have difficulty adapting to the system as it has changed a lot compared to before, we have summarized only the essential information for each list so that you can understand it in just one minute. to


Plan It is a product that allows you to pre-book the attractions you want and board them quickly without waiting in line. It is a similar product to the existing Q-Pass. Unlike the Q-Pass, which allows you to select only 1 attraction, this ticket allows you to select 3 or 5 attractions in advance and pass them with a free pass.

Classification Q-Pass Plan It
Select 1, 3 or 5 attractions
Admission ticket not included
time free choice and freedom
Everland Plan It 3 and 5 are separate tickets that do not include admission tickets (free pass). To use Plan It, you need to purchase an admission ticket. Children under 36 months can enter for free and can ride without purchasing Plan It if accompanied by a guardian. However, guardians must purchase both admission tickets and Plan It.

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Complete guide to Everland discount free pass

Plan It Classification
You can choose between Plan-it 3 and 5.

Category Time Selection Time Free
Plan It 3 1 2
Plan It 5 2 3
It consists of entering at a time of your choice and freely selectable products. This configuration cannot be changed. We will explain again by looking at the following attraction standards.


Attraction standards
Everland Plan It consists of products that allow you to select a boarding time and products that you can choose freely. Here are the 10 most popular attractions where you can use Plan It.

Attraction classification
Select Safari World time
Select Lost Valley time
Select T-Express time
amazon express time freedom
hurricane time freedom
Thunder Falls Time Free
Magic swing time freedom
shooting ghost time freedom
royal jubilee carousel time freedom
peter pan time freedom
[Select time attraction] Safari World, Lost Valley, T Express
[Time-limited attractions] Amazon Express, Hurricane, Thunder Falls, Magic Swing, Shooting Ghost, Royal Jubilee, Carousel, Peter Pan
With Plan It 3, for example, you can choose one type of time selection mechanism and two types of freedom. Even if you don’t find a ride you like in the selected attraction, it’s impossible to choose three of them at will. Please note that families with children must check the attraction boarding standards.

Everland Plan It has different prices on weekdays and weekends.

Classification Weekdays Weekends
Plan It 3 42,000 won 50,000 won
Plan It 5 73,000 won 87,000 won
Plan It is not cheap. Since you have to purchase admission tickets separately, paying 15,000 won per attraction feels expensive. Safari, Lost Valley, and T Express are the most popular rides in Everland and have a standard waiting time of 2 hours. You will also have to wait an hour for the instruments in the remaining time selections.


In addition to the rides, there are plenty of places to take pictures, such as parades, rose and tulip festivals, etc., so I think it would be a loss to spend several hours waiting. If you think of time as money, it won’t be a big waste. It is much more beneficial to take pictures of good memories with your children and lover during that time.


It’s not a place you can go to often, so I recommend taking this opportunity to fully enjoy it. Then, I will explain how to make a reservation.

Everland Plan It is available from 7 days to 1 day before the scheduled visit date, and same-day reservations are not possible. A new date will be created at 12 PM 7 days in advance, and only a limited number of tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you are thinking of purchasing Plan It, it is recommended to prepare in advance.

Reservation information
Go to Everland Smart Reservation
Go to Plan It 3 Reservation
Go to Plan It 5 Reservation
To use Plan It, you must purchase it through Smart Reservation and install the Everland app.


How to use
If your reservation is successful, a text message will be sent. It contains reservation details and instructions on how to register. As mentioned above, in order to use this ticket, you must register in the Everland app. There are two ways: ①How to automatically register by clicking the link at the bottom of the text. ②To register, click Manage Pass at the top of the Everland app → Other → Press + → Scan QR code.


After registration, the attraction you selected will be created. If you show it to the staff when boarding, you can check your QR code and board quickly. Please do not stand in the regular line. Then there is no point in purchasing Plan It, so just show it to the staff in the quick line.


Please note that you must enter the attraction you selected at the time from 00 to 59 minutes of the selected time. If you exceed the designated time, it will be automatically canceled and you will not receive a refund, so don’t be late.


I will briefly inform those who purchase Plan It about a few precautions.

Tickets (free pass, admission ticket) must be purchased separately.
App registration is required.
Refunds are not possible for same-day cancellations, non-visits, or unused products.
The time selection ticket cannot be used outside of the reservation time.
Please check in advance as use may be restricted depending on age, height, and physical and mental conditions.

Everland Caribbean Bay parking lot information

This is information on free paid parking for those using Everland and Caribbean Bay. Everland Caribbean Bay Parking Lot Everland and Caribbean Bay share a parking lot. No matter where you park


If you have any questions about Everland Plan It, please leave a comment. We hope you have a great time with your loved ones or loved ones.