연체기록 조회 Check delinquency records

Many people are curious about checking their delinquency records. In this article, we will learn about how to check loan delinquency records and telecommunication delinquency records. Please note that it also includes information on how to check unpaid bills.


연체기록 조회

연체기록 조회

How to check my overdue payment information
How to check loan delinquency records (free delinquency record search)
How to check communication delinquency records
How to check unpaid bills by telecommunication company
How to check my overdue payment information
Let’s learn how to check my overdue payment information.


How to check loan delinquency records (free delinquency record search)
You can check your loan delinquency record through the Nice Keeper delinquency record service. To check your NICE delinquent record, please follow the steps below.


1. Access the Nice Keeper website.


Click the link below to access the Nice Jikimi website.

> Go to Nice Keeper homepage



2. Click the [Protecting Financial Life] > [Payback] > [Delinquency Status] menu at the top of the homepage in that order.

How to check loan delinquency records



3. Enter your ID and password to log in.

How to check loan delinquency records

4. If you click the [Connect My Data] button, you can check your delinquency records by dividing them into short-term and long-term delinquencies.

How to check loan delinquency records

If you are curious about how to check your credit score as well as your delinquency history, please refer to the following article.

Let’s find out how to check your credit score (Nice Naver Toss Kakao)

Many people are curious about how to check their credit score. In this article, we will learn about how to check your credit score (Nice Naver Toss Kakao), the disadvantages of checking your credit score, and the credit score rating table. neck

How to check communication delinquency records
You can check your mobile phone arrears on the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Credit Information Joint Management Site. For specific inquiry methods, please follow the steps below.


1. Access the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Credit Information Joint Management website.


Click the link below to access the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Credit Information Joint Management website.

> Go to the broadcasting and communication credit information joint management website


2. On the main screen, click the Personal Credit Information menu.

How to check communication delinquency records


3. After agreeing to the collection and use of personal information, authenticate yourself using a mobile phone in your name.

How to check communication delinquency records
4. You can check overdue communication fees and communication-related overdue details.


Please note that you can comprehensively view not only overdue cell phone bills but also Internet communication bill overdue details.


If you are curious about how to not only check your delinquent record but also delete your delinquent record, please refer to the following article.

Summary of how to delete delinquent records! (Short term/long term) What is your credit rating after deleting delinquent records?

Many people are curious about deleting delinquent records. In this article, we will learn about how to delete short-term delinquent records, how to delete long-term delinquent records, and how to delete cell phone delinquent records. After deleting delinquent records

Statute of limitations for delinquent communication charges
Let’s learn about the statute of limitations on delinquent telecommunication bills. After the statute of limitations for overdue communication charges expires, you can no longer request for overdue communication charges. In other words, the legal obligation to pay overdue communication bills disappears.


Since a short-term statute of limitations applies to telecommunication bill claims, the statute of limitations for delinquent telecommunication billing is generally considered to be 3 years.