우체국 택배 보내는 법 Follow the post office delivery method! (ft. easily explained)

This post is an easy-to-understand explanation of how to send a courier to the post office. Recently, there are various ways to send parcels, but there are few places as reliable as post office parcels. It depends on the recipient, but it is about those who stick to the post office delivery service. However, in many cases, they do not know how to send postal parcels in line with the recent reality that these types of mail are not well sent. Today I’m going to explain this in as simple a way as possible, so feel free to use it. 우체국 택배 보내는 법

우체국 택배 보내는 법
Hide Table of Contents
1 Items restricted from handling by post office
2 How to send a courier to the post office비지니스헬퍼
2.1 Packing of courier items
2.2 Moving the parcel service window
2.3 Enter courier information
2.4 Courier reception
Items subject to postal delivery restrictions
First of all, before you know how to send a courier to the post office, there are items that are not handled by the post office. The post office restricts handling of restricted items. It is said that the following items cannot be sent by courier according to the regulations.

Cash and securities (cash, bills, checks, gift certificates, etc.)
Deteriorated or spoiled items (live fish, animals, flowers, etc.)
Electronic products (body, printer, monitor, laptop, etc.)
Damage-concerned products (glass, ceramics, etc.)
Large furniture and items (beds, bicycles, etc.)
The sum of width + length + height is less than 160cm (maximum length of one side is less than 1M)
In other words, the above products cannot be sent due to regulations. However, there are some items that can be sent unlike the regulations among the items that are restricted from handling. For example, in the case of electronic products (notebooks, main body, etc.), you can send them under the name of safe parcel. Below is a review I sent my laptop to the post office, so please refer to it.

✔ Summary of how to send a laptop courier (ft. post office)

How to send a courier to the post office
If you do not fall under the handling restrictions above, you can visit the post office as below and send the parcel. However, in the case of postal delivery, in addition to sending directly at the window, so-called door-to-door parcels can be sent by the postman.

✔ How to send postal parcels from home (easy with ft. app)

Today, I will explain how to send parcels to the window directly to the post office, that is, to send postal parcels.

Packing of courier goods
There are a few things you need to prepare before visiting the post office. It’s just the packaging of the item. Pack the items to be sent by courier in the following ways.

Get an empty box. (If not, check the apartment recycling center)
Box the goods.
Fill the empty space in the box to prevent damage.
Tape all edges of the box.
If you don’t have an empty box, no need to worry. The post office sells boxes by size and also provides air caps to fill the empty space, so you can visit the post office with only your items.

Post office courier box price – minimum 700 won, maximum 2,300 won (as of 2023)
Air Cap, Taping Price – Free

Transfer to the parcel service counter
When you visit the post office, the desks are divided according to the purpose. It is divided into so-called financial business and parcel business. Since I visited to send a courier, I move to the parcel business. If the branch is small, finance and parcel services can be handled simultaneously at the same window.

How to quickly send a parcel to the post office – When visiting the post office, it is recommended to first take a numbered ticket and then fill out the parcel label. In the case of people being bitten, you can wait for a long time, so it is better to take a number ticket at the same time as visiting.
If you have received a number ticket, you will need to receive a raised label in front of the parcel service window to enter the parcel invoice and enter information related to the courier.

Enter courier information
Post Office-Courier-Sending-How-Examples
Post office courier label paper
Take out a delivery invoice label like the one in the picture above placed on the desk, and type it in your handwriting on the label according to the procedure below.

Enter the sender’s information. (Name, phone number, address)
Enter the postal code of the sender. (search address)
Enter the category name of the courier item. (Example – laptop)
Check the Notes option. (frozen, refrigerated, spoiled)
If you are concerned about product damage, check the ‘Safe Parcel’ option. (up to 3 million won)
If the person receiving the fee pays, check the ‘Cash on delivery’ option.
Enter the recipient’s information. (Name, phone number, address)
Enter the recipient’s zip code. (search address)
Courier reception
If you have completed entering the information on the delivery label, sit in a chair holding the label and the item to be delivered and wait for your receipt number to be called. When your number is called, go to the corresponding parcel window and follow the procedure below to receive the parcel.

Please place the delivery items on the scale on the left of the window.
The delivery label is handed over to the person in charge at the window.
After measuring the weight and distance of the delivery item on the scale, listen to the information about the fee.
You pay the post office fee. (Go to post office courier rates)
The parcel is received and moved to the post office, and a receipt is received. (Check the invoice number)
Post office parcel delivery is complete.

This completes the post office delivery method. Please do not be too surprised as there may be a second inquiry about the delivery item at the time of the last delivery reception. For some reason, it seems to be dealing with all items recently. Don’t worry too much, if you go through the steps one by one, you can send your parcel without difficulty.