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New Car Dream provides consulting on the most reasonable long-term rental/lease. If you have any questions, we will provide you with a quick response.
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New Car Dream focuses on simple and clear consulting that is faithful to the basics and does not deviate from the essence of using a car that suits the customer’s needs. Blindly following price quotes simply for the sake of the lowest price defeats the original purpose of using a car and fails to win the sympathy of customers. Shincha Dream is making efforts to add experience and know-how gained over a long period of time and to remain faithful to the basics. In addition, we do not lose sight of our essence in providing automobile usage consulting that our customers will continue to seek for a long time.
There is nothing permanent in this world. The way we use cars is also changing rapidly every day. New Car Dream, which started 10 years ago based on the growth potential of long-term rental/lease in automobile finance, is creating a culture of professional car use with the know-how of automobile finance experts. Experience reasonable car use with prepared experts and the best consulting.
Quantity isn’t important. However, the reason we have been able to continue to grow among so many agencies is because the reviews sent by customers remain the same as the first time, based on sincerity. This creates new value and contributes to improving corporate profits. In today’s trend of insisting on only the lowest price, we can become a healthy partner for your new car dream based on basics and trust.
Through steady growth from 2014 to present, we have achieved remarkable growth as an automobile finance specialized corporation.
In the automobile finance field, competition is fierce and prices are highly volatile, so if competitiveness is not supported, it is difficult to use reasonable long-term rental/lease. Accordingly, as a company that satisfies all of these essential requirements, Shincha Dream maintains close relationships of trust with many partners. In particular, these days, when vehicle supply and demand are difficult due to the semiconductor crisis, we have the ability to respond through cooperation with leading rental/lease/dealer companies, so we can shorten the delivery period by immediately shipping or recruiting vehicles that will be assigned soon. New Car Dream will continue to do its best by considering relationships with customers as a precious and special relationship that must be developed together for reasonable use of cars, rather than as a short-term object for immediate profit.
We work with companies that are leading the way in automobile finance. Among the numerous requirements of each company, we have focused on providing the most core financial products to customers. In addition, in order to provide a reasonable quote that reflects the customer’s needs, we take price and screening into consideration and contract with a company that handles the product that best matches the vehicle selected by the customer to ship the vehicle. We will continue to plan special sales and promotions with companies through New Car Dream’s unique process to achieve customer satisfaction with products that are differentiated from those of other companies.
Sure Car Co., Ltd. | Business registration number: 623-81-01363 | Mail order business report: No. 2019-Gyeonggi Ansan-1377 | Representative: Baek Il-seon, Choi Hyo-seong #1106, G-Star Plaza, 88 Gojan-ro, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do | FAX: 031-629-5566 | Other inquiries: sinchadream@naver.com
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