Jeonbuk Bank is a bank based in Jeollabuk-do and belongs to JB Financial Group. Do you sometimes have difficulty finding the menu you want on the Jeonbuk Bank website or app? In this case, you can easily resolve the issue by calling Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center and inquiring.
Before calling the Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center, you can search for any questions you may have on the Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center website.
Go to Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center
Click on Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center
ㄴClick to move
If you can’t solve the problem here, try calling the Jeonbuk Bank customer service phone number.
Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center Phone Number
Domestic: 1588-4477
Overseas: +82-63-270-8585
Foreigners: 1588-4477 (99)
Seniors only: 1588-4477 (5)
Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center’s main phone number is 1588-4477. We also have separate phones for seniors and foreigners. To connect to a counselor, dial 0 after dialing the main phone number.
You can report loss on the Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center website. You can use the shortcut below.
Go to report loss
Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center Opening Hours
Please refer to the Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center opening hours below.
Weekdays: 09:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00
Jeonbuk Bank’s deposit inquiry, withdrawal, and transfer services as well as financial products such as deposits, savings, and loans are available 24 hours a day on the internet banking site.
Jeonbuk Bank Internet Banking Click
Find a Jeonbuk Bank branch
Jeonbuk Bank has a total of 66 branches based in the Jeollabuk-do region. In the Jeonbuk Bank branch search menu below, you can enter the region you live in or the place you want to visit and search.
Find Jeonbuk Bank branch and ATM locations
Find the nearest Jeonbuk Bank
Jeonbuk Bank business hours
Please refer to the Jeonbuk Bank business hours below.
Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Closed on Saturdays/Sundays/Holidays
Jeonbuk Bank’s employees use the lunch hour in shifts, so it is possible to do banking business even if you visit during lunch hour. However, please note that the waiting time is longer than usual.