주유소 가격비교 및 근처 싼 주유소 찾기 Compare gas station prices and find nearby cheap gas stations

Oil prices such as diesel and gasoline are a burden.
I find a gas station that is even cheaper than 10 won and fill it up. Finding a gas station with cheap gas is difficult.
I check the prices of gas stations around my neighborhood, or check the prices of gas stations along my route, and use the cheaper gas station. Today we will learn how to find cheap gas stations. Compare gas prices at gas stations.주유소 가격비교

주유소 가격비교


1. Offinet
Offinet is operated by Korea National Oil Corporation. This site has been disclosing oil price information since April 2008. Search for “Opinet” on the search site and access it. Or, you can connect directly as shown below. https://www.opinet.co.kr/



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Pricing information on Offinet is reflected by collecting information when using a credit card. You can quickly check the latest price because it is reflected at 1:00, 2:00, 9:00, 12:00, 16:00, and 19:00. And in some cases, they report directly from the gas station. In this case, it is reflected immediately.

Find cheap gas stations


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2. Offinet pricing information
You can find cheap gas stations by searching by region and route.

▼ Find cheap gas stations by region
1. On the Offinet site, click the “Find cheap gas stations > By region” menu.
Find cheap gas stations


2. Select either a gas station or Chungcheon station, enter information such as region, and click Search. Price information for premium gasoline, regular gasoline, diesel fuel, and indoor kerosene is provided.

Find cheap gas stations by region


▼ Find cheap gas stations by route
Here’s how to find cheap gas stations along your route.
1. On the Offinet site, click “Find cheap gas stations > By route”.
Find cheap gas stations


2. Enter the departure address, destination address, and transit address and click Search. A list of cheap gas stations along your route will appear. It is good to use when traveling or on a business trip.
Find cheap gas stations by route


Prices vary from gas station to gas station. Search for cheap gas stations on Offinet and fill up your gas station at cheap gas stations.