주택청약 1순위 조건 1st priority condition for housing subscription and application method Summary of additional point system lottery system – Money Prime

주택청약 1순위 조건Everyone has a desire to own a home and live a stable life. If you cannot acquire the first occupancy right or lot lot right through subscription winning, such as buying a lot-out right or buying an apartment where people have already moved in, it can be more expensive than the occupancy right or lot-lot lot because it is often traded with a so-called ‘premium’ attached to it. There is nothing out there. That’s why many people are interested in subscription. For housing subscription, the higher the additional points for subscription, the more advantageous it is.

Subscription for housing can be seen as a qualification for subscription account holders to subscribe for national housing and private housing. I will explain in detail below, but the longer the subscription account subscription period and the more you deposit a certain amount, the higher the score. That’s why it’s a good idea to sign up for a subscription account as soon as possible.
You can sign up for a subscription passbook at Kookmin Bank, Woori Bank, Hana Bank, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, Shinhan Bank, Busan Bank, Industrial Bank of Korea, and Daegu Bank. Information related to the number of payments and payment period can be found below.
Subscribers to the housing subscription bankbook can apply for national housing and private housing, and the first priority conditions for each housing subscription are as follows.

If all of the above five items are satisfied, the first priority condition is met. However, the conditions for the subscription period and the number of payments differ depending on the region.
Areas with overheated speculation and areas with overheated subscriptions must meet the conditions, but in the case of areas with contraction, if the subscription period is more than one month and the number of payments is more than one time, it falls under the first priority condition.
In addition, in the case of the metropolitan area, if the subscription period is 1 year or more and the number of payments is 12 or more, and in areas other than the metropolitan area, the subscription period is 6 months or more and the number of payments is 6 or more.
In the case of private housing, if the above conditions are met, the first priority condition for housing subscription is met. The basic subscription passbook subscription period is two years, but it varies slightly by region, and the amount deposited in the subscription bankbook must also meet the deposit standards for each region.
Unlike national housing, homeless people as well as people with one home are eligible for the first priority for subscription. Please check the subscription period and payment amount standards for each region below.
I even checked the deposit according to the exclusive area. For example, in order to subscribe for an apartment of 135 square meters or less, which is planned for sale in Seoul, the subscription period must be more than 2 years and the deposited amount must be more than 10 million won because Seoul is a speculative overheated district.
For reference, in the case of private housing deposits, unlike national housing, the number of payments does not matter, and you do not need to put them in hastily, as you only need to pay the required amount before the recruitment announcement date.
We learned about the first priority conditions for subscription of national housing and private housing. If so, now you need to know about the lottery system and the point system.

As can be seen from the table above, in the case of private housing, there are differences in the allocation amount depending on the region and exclusive area. The lottery system is 0% for areas under 85 square meters in the overheated speculation district and 25% for the overheated subscription district.
The additional points system is divided into the number of dependents (maximum 35 points), homeless period (maximum 32 points), and subscription period (maximum 17 points).
You can calculate your own points by adding up the scores of these three items.
Even if it is the same 1st place, it will be assigned in order of highest score.
For reference, the homeless period begins at the age of 30. For example, the period of homelessness for a 40-year-old who has been homeless for life is a total of 10 years.
The raffle procedure is as follows.
To summarize, in the private housing subscription process, an additional point system is applied first, and the first-ranked people who meet the first-rank condition for housing subscription are assigned in order.
Here, if there is an unsold sale due to a person who failed the document screening or a non-contractor, etc., the first-place winners (preliminary winners) who were eliminated will be contacted. Here, we gather people with a doctor and conduct a lottery for uncontracted houses.
However, even here, if you fail the document screening or draw but do not sign a contract because you do not like it, the second-ranked candidates will be gathered and a lottery will be held for the remaining unsold cases.
When applying for private housing and when applying for national housing, the 1st priority condition is different. See the main text for details
The sum of the number of dependents, the period of homelessness, and the period of subscription to the subscription account is converted into points, and the sum is the subscription score. See the main text for details.
Good article to read together

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주택청약 1순위 조건

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