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Providing comprehensive employment support services to middle-aged people over 40 years of age
The Middle-aged Tomorrow Center1) provides free life career planning, job change and re-employment support, and regional and industry-specific specialized services to middle-aged people from the pre-retirement stage to job search activities.
1) The name of the Middle-aged Tomorrow Center was rebranded from the existing ‘Mid-aged Job Hope Center’ to ‘Middle-aged Tomorrow Center’ which means ‘an organization that supports middle-aged people to design tomorrow (Tomorrow) and find tomorrow (My Job)’. Therefore, the concept was changed to encompass middle-aged and economically active people.

Introduction to Middle-aged Worknet and Middle-aged Tomorrow Center services
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The Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Middle-aged Tomorrow Center are taking a step closer to the middle-aged.
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Middle-aged people over 40 years old (scheduled to retire), job seekers, and business owners
We provide education and 1:1 counseling to identify the elements that must be checked for life career planning for middle-aged and older people, and to help them establish short- and long-term career plans. (32 locations nationwide)
The Employment Welfare Plus Center (dedicated center for middle-aged people) and the Middle-aged Center provide job change support and take-off programs depending on the type of middle-aged person. (3 locations nationwide)
Through budget support from local governments, we operate regional specialized programs such as employment linkage programs, job education, vocational training, and support for companies that employ middle-aged people. (19 private locations)

Ministry of Employment and Labor blog, mid-aged employment support service, mid-aged tomorrow center… What are the main programs?
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It reflects key industries by region and provides job information in connection with related industry associations. We also provide job training and employment support services. (12 foundation locations)

Middle-aged Tomorrow Center, Middle-aged Tomorrow Center Industry-specific Specialized Services
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We have established a ‘Youth Culture Space’ within the middle-aged center and run a variety of programs for the middle-aged, including humanities, leisure, and culture. (17 locations nationwide)

Confirmation of middle-aged youth cultural space, mid-aged youth cultural space business introduction and program application, etc.
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Worknet individual membership registration
Job application/certification (resume registration)
Apply for job change support service
Service Authorization
Individual consultant assignment
Start of job change support service
We provide programs for self-development such as reading and writing, leisure and culture, identity exploration, self-esteem restoration, psychological healing, relationship improvement, life planning, and strengthening humanities capabilities for each occupation.
※ For detailed information, please check the linked site.

Ministry of Employment and Labor, Attachment 2. Confirmation of middle-aged and older youth cultural space operation plan (draft)
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EBS News, Job and culture complex space for middle-aged people opens nationwide, 2023.06.01
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Seoul 50 Plus Foundation
The Seoul 50 Plus Foundation is a Seoul Metropolitan Government-funded organization that supports life planning, vocational education, and jobs for the middle-aged generation in Seoul preparing for the second half of their lives. If you are a middle-aged person in Seoul, we encourage you to take advantage of the various education programs available to strengthen your vocational capabilities through the Seoul 50 Plus Portal.

Seoul 50 Plus Portal, training information and training application confirmation
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Information on the Middle-aged Worknet and the Middle-aged Tomorrow Center (name of organization, location, contact information)
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Application for middle-aged worknet and middle-aged tomorrow center service
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As the demographic structure changes and life expectancy increases, perceptions of working age are changing. Additionally, with the acceleration of change due to the 4th Industrial Revolution, it has become necessary to prepare for a new professional life. If you are a middle-aged job seeker who needs a second life plan and a job change or re-employment, we encourage you to learn about and utilize policies for new-age and senior citizens.
*New middle age: New middle age is a transitional generation (50-60 generation) that retires from their main job (around age 50), engages in re-employment, etc., and prepares for retirement. It is being used as a policy term with a positive connotation of being an energetic person on behalf of the elderly or the elderly, who tend to be perceived as an age group that needs to retire in the labor market. (Source: Korea Policy Briefing)
※ Detailed information about the policy can be found through the linked site.
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