차선변경 위반 범칙금 Fines and demerit points for changing lanes on solid lines Learn about the types and meaning of road lanes

차선변경 위반 범칙금How much do you know about the meaning of solid lines on the road? Fines and demerit points for lane changing violations. A while ago, I received a report of a real lane change due to someone’s black box report. I was really surprised when I received a fine for a lane change violation. I was really curious as I have 20 years of driving experience, believing that I am driving while obeying traffic laws with safe driving first. We looked at the types and meanings of lanes on the road and looked at the lane change violation section.

So, I summarized the things that I found out again by searching the Internet again.
Thanks to the righteous public whistleblower, I am learning this. I think many drivers, like me, will not think much about the solid lane change on general roads unless it is on the highway and pass it by.

In the above two pictures, there is a lane-changing zone and a lane-changing prohibited zone.
Will you just recognize it?
You need to think about the types and meanings of road lanes.
This is a highway. If you change lanes on a solid line here, will a violation notice be issued?

In this way, the lane went to a dotted line and then suddenly changed to a solid lane section.
It is not easy to recognize the change in lane while driving without looking at the road surface often and only looking at the car in front.

Can you see the slight curve in the front? Such a section is a solid lane change prohibited section.

Can you see me? This section is a bridge.

This section is also a solid line section, so it is a section where lane changes are not possible.

This is the section where the solid line changes to the dotted line at the end of the bridge. Now you can change lanes.

Directors are general roads. The double lines on the left are one solid line and one dotted line.
Guys, what does this lane mean?
If you are still a bit confused, you should take a look at the types and meanings of road lanes below.

Types and Meanings of Lanes

Solid line: section where lane change is not possible
Dotted line: section where lane changes are possible
Solid line and dotted line: section where lane change is possible from the dotted line to the solid line
(* A section where lane changes are not allowed from the solid line to the dotted line)
Solid line (double line): Sections where lane changes are absolutely impossible

If you have looked at the types and meanings of lanes, is it possible to change lanes to the left lane in the picture above?


yes you’re right.
It is possible to change lanes from a dotted line to a solid line.

Is it possible to change lanes in the picture above? It’s not possible!! The area from the solid line to the dotted line is a section where lane changes are not permitted.

The fine notice for violation of line change came and I looked it up again and found out. I’ve forgotten the types of road lanes and their meanings for a long time, but I discovered that there are many sections where lane changes are not possible in surprisingly familiar areas.

It was a section that was always blocked on the way home from work, and I had to change lanes a lot. Even during the 30 minutes I was taking pictures to post this article, I witnessed countless vehicles that were fined for changing lanes.

It is a dotted line and a solid line. This section can change lanes from the dotted line to the solid line.
The part I received was a dotted line and a solid line in the congestion section. It was a notice for a lane change violation from the solid line to the dotted line.
I was fined 30,000 won and 10 points for violating the lane change.

I was really surprised when I took pictures to write this article. Surprisingly, there were a lot of people like me who drove without an accurate standard for the solid line and the dotted line section.

In particular, countless cases of lane change violations were witnessed on roads familiar to us in everyday life. If I also reported it with the righteous black box informant, would it be a surprise gift to many families? I would have sent you a gift that wasn’t.. ㅠ.,ㅠ;;…
It was a precious time to think about traffic safety once again thanks to the report of one person who must have reported it because he felt uncomfortable due to my ignorance.
I hope you know the types and meanings of lanes and avoid uncomfortable situations caused by changing lanes.

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