청년내일채움공제 신청방법 및 자격요건 How to apply for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction and Qualifications

How to apply for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

You can receive benefits when participating in small and medium-sized venture business projects, such as transfer to the target of talent development-type fund support. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) facing serious manpower shortages due to frequent turnover are an opportunity to retain excellent manpower.

청년내일채움공제 신청방법

청년내일채움공제 신청방법

Application for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
1. Apply for participation on the Worknet – Youth Mutual Aid website (go to application)

2. Qualification screening and selection

3. Subscription application (shortcut to subscription application) (enterprise before, youth after)

4. Subsidy application by period (company → operating institution → employment center)

5. Youth and corporate subsidies accumulated and now – Job Center

6. Mutual Aid Installment Management – Small and Medium Venture Business Corporation (SME)

7. Application for and receipt of maturity deduction (middle school → youth)

*Operating organization: A private organization entrusted by the employment center to perform tasks such as checking eligibility for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction and reviewing support funds

After completion of worknet approval according to the qualification examination of the operating institution, apply for subscription on the Youth Mutual Aid Subscription website

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
application deadline

You must complete the application on the youth deduction application website within 6 months from the date of hiring a full-time employee.

Considering the time required for qualification screening (usually 10 business days), you must apply in advance to participate in Worknet.

Inquiries: Ministry of Employment and Labor Customer Service Center 1350 (without area code) 3-> 8

Tomorrow’s Filling Deduction Plus for Young Employees
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Go to Tomorrow Filling Deduction Plus for Young Employees
Click on the picture above to go ↑


What is Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction?
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction: A system in which young people, companies, and the government jointly accumulate funds for two years to support young people’s asset formation so that they can work long-term at small and medium-sized businesses.
Young people prepare the foundation for future design through early career formation
Support for companies to stably hire excellent talent
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction Subjects and Contents
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Target (1) Youth

Eligibility: Young people aged 15 to 34 years old
In the case of military veterans, the participation restriction age is linked in proportion to the service period, but the maximum is limited to 39 years old.
As of the day of regular employment, there is no employment insurance subscription history, or the total employment insurance subscription period is less than 12 months after graduating from the last school
* However, short-term subscription history of less than 3 months is excluded from the total subscription period

Excluding broadcasting, telecommunications, broadcasting communication, cyber (distance university), credit bank system, night college, and graduate school

Education. There are no restrictions on academic background, but those who are currently attending high school or university as of the date of full-time employment, or those who are on leave of absence are excluded (possible for those who are expected to graduate)

Support target (2) companies

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with 5 or more employees who are insured by employment insurance, as of the date of hiring full-time jobs for young people eligible for (scheduled) subscription to youth deduction
*Excluding some industries such as consumer entertainment and non-profit companies

*Some companies with less than 1 to 5 employees, such as the knowledge service industry, cultural contents industry, and venture companies, can participate

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Details of Support (1) Youth

If the young man himself accumulates 3 million won (125,000 won per month) for 2 years, the government (6 million won in employment support) and companies (3 million won, government support) jointly accumulate
Maturity deduction after 2 years KRW 12 million + Alpha
– You can have the opportunity to build a practical career while working at the same workplace for at least 2 years.

– After maturity, it is possible to raise long-term lump sum money for up to 8 years by extending subscription with the Naeil Filling Deduction (3 to 5 years) of the Ministry of Small and Medium Venture Business.


Contents of Support (2) Enterprise

Classification of accumulation amount, accumulation, and support method according to company size

Businesses with less than 5 employees: Received corporate subsidy of KRW 3 million for 2 years and accumulated it
Companies with 30 to 49 employees: Companies accumulate 20% of corporate contributions (3 million won for 2 years) as corporate contributions (25,000 won monthly), and 80% is accumulated by receiving corporate subsidies for each period.
Companies with less than 50 to 199 employees: Companies accumulate 50% of corporate contributions (3 million won over 2 years) as corporate contributions (6.25 million won monthly), and 50% of corporate subsidies are accumulated by receiving periodic support *Government 6, 12, 18, 24 months, etc. 4 times for 2 years Corporate support is paid to the entrepreneur virtual account (accumulation)
Companies with 200 or more employees: 100% of corporate contributions (3 million won for 2 years) are accumulated as corporate contributions (125,000 won monthly)
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Termination of Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction