체력 기르는 방법 5 core exercises to build basic physical strength

체력 기르는 방법C.S.Lewis
Exercises to tone your core
If you strengthen your core, which is responsible for the core muscles of your body, you will experience greater ease in all physical activities in your life. Through core exercises that help build basic physical strength, you can correct your posture, prevent or improve back pain, and reduce the risk of injury by improving your physical ability. Make your body stronger by investing just 10 minutes a day in core exercises.

To squat properly, it is recommended to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes facing forward, with your chest straight and your upper body as straight as possible. And rather than worrying about the position of your knees, you can naturally lower your hips as if you are sitting on a chair. It’s a good idea to sit on an imaginary chair in your head and bend your thighs so that they are almost parallel to the floor. Repeat at least 30 times per exercise.

To perform a push-up, your palms should be placed under your shoulders and your fingers should be pointing forward. Additionally, your upper body, hips, and legs should be in a straight line without any bending. Squeezing your abdominal and buttocks muscles will help you maintain your posture. Keep your gaze down and your neck neutral. Lastly, when bending your arms, allow your entire body to come down, and be careful not to lift only your hips. Repeat at least 30 times per exercise.

Start in the basic plank position. It is important to bend your elbows and place your weight on your forearms instead of your arms. Your body should be in a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles, and it is best to keep your abdominals tight. Maintain the posture for more than 30 seconds, and exhale and inhale loudly without stopping your breathing.

Start in a prone position with your knees on the floor. Strengthening your abdominal muscles and pushing them toward your spine will help you maintain your posture. Keep your torso straight and straighten your right arm and left leg. Then return to the prone position, this time straightening your left arm and right leg. Switch arms and legs, repeating the exercise for 1 minute.

Start in plank position, with your legs spread hip-width apart. Make sure your torso is parallel to the floor and raise your body by placing your right palm on the mat. Then, your right arm will be straightened. Repeat this pose on the left side. Then, you will be in a normal plank position. Now bend your right forearm and place it back on the mat. Then repeat on the left side, creating an elbow plank position again. Repeat this process for at least 30 seconds.

Plank is the most effective exercise that can be recommended to strengthen core muscles and prevent back pain. The longer you maintain the posture, the more effective the exercise becomes. Take care of your health by just doing planks every day..
To build muscle quickly, you need to pay more attention to your diet before starting exercise. It is important to consume a variety of nutrients that contribute to muscle building. Additionally, rebuilding damaged muscles through food intake.
Circulation exercise is a form of exercise that combines aerobic and anaerobic exercise and can maximize exercise effectiveness in a short period of time. It is recommended for busy people who don’t have time because you can definitely remove fat from your body by investing just 10 minutes a day.
If you invest 5 minutes a day in buttocks exercise, you can make your buttocks firm and healthy. When the flat buttocks muscles are strengthened, they help maintain the body’s center of gravity, preventing pelvic or back pain and managing the health of the spine.

This is Tenbody’s brunch.

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