통신판매업 신고 How to report mail order business Required documents

In order to sell products on smart stores, personal shopping malls, Instagram, blogs, YouTube, etc., you must register as a mail order business.

Today, we will learn about this mail order business reporting method, procedure, targets, required documents, etc.

Go to Mail Order Business Report Government 24
Mail order business
Mail order is one of the non-store sales types in the distribution industry. It is a method of selling products by displaying products using the Internet, rather than in stores, and receiving orders through media and easy-to-access communication methods from consumers.

Regulations related to mail order sales
A person engaged in a mail order business must file a ‘mail order business report’ at the ‘regional economy department of the competent city, county, or district office’ in accordance with the provisions of Article 12, Paragraph 1 of the “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.” and Article 40, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act. (Business Permit) is required.

If you have not reported your mail order business,

A business suspension of more than 15 days and a fine of up to 10 million won will be imposed.
You may be subject to administrative measures such as corrective action or business suspension from the Fair Trade Commission.
Mail order business reporting costs
There is no fee for application, but a license fee of 40,500 won is charged once a year. The same applies to simplified taxpayers.

♦️License tax varies depending on the local government according to Article 164 of the Local Tax Act.

Mail order business reporting target
Mail order sellers are required to report to the provincial governor, mayor, county governor, or district head in accordance with the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. 로이야 

Address, company name, phone number (for corporations, name of representative, resident registration number)
Email, Internet domain name, host server location
Additionally, if you sell the items below, you cannot sell them online or you must obtain separate approval and permission.

Mail order business report
Mail Order Business Reporting Procedure

통신판매업 신고
Internet application
You can apply online on the Government 24 website. 통신판매업 신고
Both members and non-members can apply
Application fee: None
Mail order business report
✅ Go to government 24 online application
On the Government 24 website, select ‘Civil Complaint Information and Application’ → ‘Mail Order Business Report’ application.
Write company information, name, business registration number, location, and contact information.
Fill in the representative’s name, date of birth, address, and email address.
Select ‘Sales Information’
Simply select a sales method and attach the required mail order reporting documents.
Mail order business report
Apply for visit
Submit to city, county, district/special self-governing province/Fair Trade Commission
Application fee: None
Mail order reporting period
There is no separate reporting period for mail order sales. However, any changes in the mail order business must be reported within 15 days.

New and change reports usually take about 3 days, and business closure reports are processed immediately. In addition, if the number of full-time workers is 5 or more, after reporting mail-order sales, a person in charge of information protection must be designated and reported to the Ministry of Science and ICT within 90 days.

Required documents for mail order notification
Mail order business report

Mail order business conclusion
Today, we learned about the mail order reporting process, required documents, and other preparations.

Mail order is developing day by day as many people are jumping into online sales. I hope you too can enjoy wealth through mail order.