혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급 Internet issuance of marriage certificate

Hello, this is Bogwi Jeong^^ Do you have a marriage certificate when you get married and need a marriage certificate due to problems such as work, school, or year-end tax settlement? These days, the world has improved a lot, so you can pick it up on the Internet.


Let’s take a look at how to get a marriage certificate issued online. 혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급


혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급


marriage certificate

Let’s take a peek at the internet 좋은뉴스 




The most important thing to note before starting! In order to issue a marriage certificate online, an official certificate is required.


First of all, search for the electronic family relationship registration system on portal sites such as Naver or Daum. Then, as above ▲ Supreme Court Electronic Family Relations Registration System, a site appears. Please click there.




If you click and enter the Supreme Court Electronic Family Relations Registration System site, you will see the main screen as above.




If you hover your mouse over the Issuance tab of the Family Relations Register, the tab will change to light green and you will see five certificates (Basic Certificate, Family Relations Certificate, Marriage Relations Certificate, Adoption Relations Certificate, and Adoption Relations Certificate) issuance column. Please click there.




When you click, two screens appear at the same time. One will open the test certificate output screen and the other will open the applicant login screen.


First, let me explain the test certificate screen. This screen is a step to check if the certificate to be printed is well connected to the computer as a printer.


If the printer connection is in good condition without a doubt, you can click the skip button, and if you want to check once more whether the printing is successful, you can click the test certificate printout tab and run a test printer.




If you have finished the printer test, you will now log in to the Supreme Court’s electronic family relationship registration system. Signing in is simple. Enter your name and resident registration number, check I agree to the terms of use, and click the search button at the bottom.




If you press the inquiry button, the public certificate input pop-up opens as shown above, select your certificate, enter your password, and click OK to log in to the site.




When the authentication certificate login is completed, the above screen will appear.


I wrote down my father’s name and clicked inquiry, and the next screen opened right away.




If you go through the step of entering additional information to confirm your identity, you will now see the main screen where you can print out in earnest. Other people can also search, but since it is a marriage certificate, you must select it yourself.


If you select yourself, the name, resident registration number, and registration standard below will be automatically filled with your personal information. Now, put a check in front of the marriage certificate you need in the certificate type and change the number in front of the box as many copies as you want.


Then, click Select in the reason for application at the bottom, select the item that suits you, and then click Apply for Issuance.


For reference, if you look at the certificate type tab when issuing a marriage certificate, there are three tabs: Issuance/View and Issuance/View. You can select the one you want and issue it. I checked the issuance tab to draw right away and clicked issuance request.




This is the screen I selected in the step of reading/issuing certificates by registration item.


As a part not mentioned above, there is also a tab for disclosure of resident registration, but if you can, you do not want to leak personal information, so please check all private information before proceeding (there are few organizations that require information up to the last 6 digits of the resident registration number).




After checking all of the items according to your needs, click Apply for issuance at the bottom right, and the message above will appear.




If you click OK, the name of the printer connected to your computer will appear at the top. If the connected printer type and name are correct, click Print at the bottom. Then, the marriage certificate will be printed as below▼




It is not difficult to obtain a marriage certificate online, right? If you have a public certificate and a printer, you can issue it quickly.